Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I used to think that I ought to do everything and then at least I could n't blame myself for not having done enough .
2 ‘ I 've been told by my superiors that I could use it in the same way that I would to prosecute anyone found mistreating a dog .
3 I will co-operate with and fight alongside my hon. Friend the Member for Rother Valley ( Mr. Barron ) for the interests of coal and do all that I can to assist my party 's energy team in that fight .
4 A private internal affair needed resolving , and I went on that review group , I was prepared to do all that I could to resolve it .
5 So absorbed , or intoxicated , was it that I used to photograph it with the other hand .
6 As Mario tells it , ‘ there was no outward sign of any big problem , except that I used to think he got tired very easily for a guy his age ’ .
7 I had mine in a cone , with wafers stuck in the top that I used to eat it with , but Cati sat down and she had hers with a spoon , out of a glass , sitting up on one of those stools … . ’
8 I looked for the knitted garments that I used to help her with but they must have all been sold .
9 You thought British art had been ‘ needlessly neglected and undervalued and that somebody ought to do something about it ’ .
10 I kept thinking that somebody ought to say something to change the subject .
11 Ianthe smiled uneasily , feeling that some kind of guessing game was being played between them and that she ought to play her part by making a suggestion as to what the work could have been .
12 She knows that she ought to ring her mother , that there is still a faint possibility that she might ring her mother , but that possibility is already fading , and as the admonitory red glare of the clock clicks silently to 20.20 it gasps and dies within her .
13 Isabel Lavender , now sixty-eight years old , sat before the mirror , the pretty amethyst brooch at her neck , and felt that she ought to have it , for it was owed to her , it was a little enough thing to covet .
14 In a world where physiognomy was a respected practice , Leapor 's appearance may have given the Chauncys grounds to believe that the kitchen maid really was a person of no significance and that she ought to learn her station .
15 She felt embarrassed , felt that she ought to remove her hand , but did not know how .
16 I 've been looking for you for years , but I only knew the name that she used to call you — Prince Charming .
17 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
18 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
19 Well it 's certainly right that you ought to stop anything that makes you feel worse .
20 It follows that I am not using language properly if I say that you ought to do something , unless I hold by some universal principle from which this prescription follows and all other implications of which I would be prepared to endorse , most notably those which would prescribe under certain circumstances that I do something .
21 And I mean , obviously I 'm not saying that you ought to buy it anywhere else
22 erm thinking that we ought to charge something because to hire the equipment is very expensive
23 What would commonly be taken as a characteristic example of the Naturalistic Fallacy is ethical hedonism , the doctrine that we ought to do what gives most pleasure .
24 Are you saying that we ought to do you 're gon na take this
25 But it does not follow from this , as Rollin seems to suppose , that we ought to allow them to do so in the absence of clear signs of distress .
26 And I came to the conclusion that we ought to develop our own music , and let the natural children of rock — the Europeans and North Americans — do their own thing .
27 In Britain the hostility of some to British political life is more explicit , with the implicit suggestion that we ought to solve our problems by handing over our powers of self government to those clever foreigners instead .
28 Yeah , well I think that we ought to get them or somebody to put a retraction , I mean we dare n't do it ourselves , but I think in next month 's
29 The pong was such that we used to pinch our noses as we ran past .
30 There was so much that we used to cut it into strips and string it from the eaves to dry in the wind and sun .
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