Example sentences of "not even [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Simply knowing that two people are linked in a particular genealogical relationship does not necessarily predict that they will acknowledge any responsibilities towards each other , not even whether they have actually kept in contact at a minimal level .
2 Artemis 's father broke the silence now and then by humming tunelessly to himself , but he never spoke another word , not even after they had ridden into the yard and handed their horses over to Jenkins .
3 It was not even that he conformed so little to what I had imagined .
4 However , the problem is that , if this is true , there is nothing whatever that I , in my capacity as a subject of experiences , can coherently and unequivocally say about myself as a corporeal subject ( not even that I do have a body ) ; and hence that , strictly speaking , the theory itself can not be clearly stated !
5 The off-licence was empty except for two drop-outs buying canned beer : the proprietor contrived to address Scarlet and Constance without once taking his eyes off his other customers , not even as he wrapped a bottle of Smirnoff and extracted six cans of Long Life from under the glass counter .
6 You 've never had those before , not even when we 've been on tour . ’
7 She could n't , not even when we beat her .
8 He did n't see , not even when they got in the car and his Dad drove off .
9 She wondered what had been the use of all that trying to get clean on the train if they were now lost in a place where nobody would ever find them , not even when something happened and they disappeared for ever .
10 Not even when she had Andrew Jean and the others cut out a couple of the pioneers and pizza them across the two-lane blacktop .
11 Of course it stunned her into silence and she never answered at all , not even when he reached out and collected most of her parcels , carrying them himself .
12 Mary did n't resist the first time — did n't resist when he kissed her and she felt the strange , hard stubble on his face , nor when he moved on her , not even when he hurt her .
13 Henry sent envoy after envoy to Richard in the hope of calling him back to his side , but not even when he used an ambassador as distinguished as the Archbishop of Canterbury was his son to be persuaded .
14 They walked on , thinking of This and That , and by-and-by they came to an enchanted place on the very top of the Forest called Galleons Lap , which is sixty-something trees in a circle ; and Christopher Robin knew that it was enchanted because nobody had ever been able to count whether it was sixty-three or sixty-four , not even when he tied a piece of string round each tree after he had counted it .
15 It now bore a long yellow blister , fag shaped and red round the edges , but there was still no pain , not even when I pressed it .
16 Not even when I kept on disappearing ? ’
17 I have no desire to pass on nasty stories about other people , not even when I know the facts of the case .
18 Not even when I got a new baby was it .
19 Vern wandered slowly in front taking not a blind bit of notice of me , not even when I shouted at the long-beaked birds and made them flap up into the air crying like out-of-tune seagulls .
20 Q. I never see my Upside Down Catfish during the day , not even when I feed the other fish .
21 ‘ She seems to find it impossible to get involved in anybody 's emotional problems — not even when it comes to saving her own family . ’
22 You might imagine supporting them , talking with them when they needed to talk , trying to help , but you did n't imagine that you would be the one desperate to talk ( or the one too embarrassed to talk , too ashamed or too proud to talk ) ; you did n't imagine you would be the one who needed help , not even when you told friends that of course there might be problems , or agreed with your beloved that you would always talk about things …
23 Not even when you felt lonely ? ’
24 Driving to Glasgow I wondered how easy it was to get lost and end up in Wales or Norfolk or somewhere , but once it began , it was so exciting and I saw one could n't get lost , not even if one tried .
25 Not even if we squashed it into the cassette case .
26 Not even if it turns out to be an intruder ? ’ asked Pascoe .
27 Not even if I had to block the Valve for a week …
28 Not even if I wanted to .
29 Look , I 'll promise you one thing : I 'll not marry Kitty McKenna , not even if she sends me another tie . ’
30 Not even if he found out she was less than perfect ? ’
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