Example sentences of "not [adj] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly all horses will suffer from some anxiety from time to time , which is perfectly normal , but chronic anxiety is not normal and it is probably the most insidiously destructive emotion possible .
2 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
3 But this is not possible because it is necessary to approach each of these aspects differently to get the required results .
4 That is a pity , perhaps , but it does not mean that everyday language is bad ; it is imply the way of things that language is not alive unless it is vernacular , because the adornments and abbreviations are the adornments and abbreviations of human thought .
5 Cos it 's not appetizing if it 's er
6 But Leila was not foreign and it is unusual for one of our women to do things like that .
7 Is it not clear that it is not ambulance staff which have withdrawn the emergency cover from London , but the management ? ’
8 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
9 However , it is not clear that it is substantially more humiliating and distressing than forced acts of oral sex or object penetration .
10 Is it not clear that it is an untried system , which is clearly producing a two-tier system for many patients , who are not receiving the very best care because their GP practices are treated as inferior to those that hold contracts ?
11 While not denying that this has an important role to play in any science , it is not clear that it is the method responsible for the discovery of natural laws .
12 However , this classification is illuminating only to the extent that apposition is well understood , and it is not clear that it is , or even can be .
13 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
14 It is not clear whether it is the limited powers of the Tribunal or the wide powers of the Government which led to none of the first sixty-eight complaints to the Tribunal being upheld .
15 Beyond this it is not clear whether it is subject to any restrictions other than those imposed by statute and common law on exclusion clauses generally .
16 my my guess is that by a side wind er can mix all the erm items on the list , terms would include erm maybe committed and maybe not committed expenditure expenditure and that if it does affect because erm there are some items erm in the erm not clear whether it 's committed or not Market Square er which we do n't want to support .
17 The reason for this is not clear but it is believed to be related to surface characteristics such as defect chemistry .
18 The reason for this is not clear but it is worth noting that McCamman et al noted that ‘ explosive diarrhoea , gas , cramps , sweating , and feeling light headed were common complaints ’ after healthy volunteers finished an elemental regimen and started to eat food .
19 Exactly why this has been a difficulty is not clear and it is ironic considering the lead responsibility local authorities fought for and won .
20 Thus an inductivist rationalist might rule that astrology is not a science because it is not inductively derivable from the facts of observation , whilst a falsificationist might rule that Marxism is not scientific because it is not falsifiable .
21 To crash a plane into Beckindale around about the anniversary of Lockerbie it is n't funny at all it 's not funny and it 's not clever .
22 Mine is er It 's not high but it 's higher than I would like but er
23 That 's right and the point really is with time , you 're not interested that it 's two twenty four .
24 Clause 1.2 is not acceptable as it is inadvisable to agree any unreasonable fetters on the tenant 's right to assign the benefit of the agreement .
25 It 's not acceptable as it is , is it ?
26 Er because appreciate when you introduce something new that 's costing a lot of money it can grow out of all proportion if you 're not careful and it 's much harder to take it away than it was to introduce in the first place .
27 Business planning is not easy but it is undoubtedly worthwhile .
28 I thought we 're gon na so we came out of Paul 's place , behind Belmont Parade , up past the ponds there and that 's and I 'm knackered , I 'm going up river , had no you start at the bottom of Belmont Parade , up those ponds up to the traffic lights where you change buses , that 's all up hill and it 's slow , and you 've just started and you 're not warm and it 's like running out of here , running up that hill there , now you could run up that hill if you got , if you had sort of round a couple of times round nice , no one so more ready to go , you 'd run up there , you come out of here , run down here , not warm , feel you get , well I come out of there and , and you get , you go up past that set of traffic lights , you go up and you 're still struggling past The Bull , that 's still up hill , you get to the , just round that bend and it starts dropping down , and it 's a gradual drop down , below the roundabout and the next roundabout 's pretty level there , not too bad a roundabout , right the way across to Scades Hill , went down Scades Hill , right the way down to Alton , bottom of Alton high street , came out by the toilets at White Hart to High Street , up to house .
29 Scrutiny of EC legislation is not perfect but it is far better than in all other Parliaments in Europe , except the Folketing in Denmark .
30 The accuracy of point estimates of pupil numbers is not paramount but it is essential to produce a range of forecasts under different assumptions .
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