Example sentences of "in [adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The great propagandist for agricultural capitalism naturally fav-oured high cereal prices , but in 1771 he also made the link with high wages , insisting that " great earnings " caused many workers to offer only four or five days ' labour .
2 In 1176 he suddenly changed his line .
3 784 and of Cynewulf in Wessex in 786 which then enabled the political map of Kent and the adjacent territories to be redrawn .
4 In 1891 he also became manager of the newly established Twentieth Century Press .
5 In 1891 he also became , socially speaking , the central figure of the newly founded Rhymers Club .
6 Subsequently Sidonius seems to have retired from the limelight until the fall of Majorian , and the elevation of Anthemius , for whose first consulship in 468 he also delivered a panegyric .
7 It was not until 1947 that he was selected by Surrey for a Championship match , and in 1948 he twice took five wickets in an innings .
8 In 1659 he similarly petitioned the recalled Rump Parliament to remember ‘ The Good Old Cause ’ , and initiate reform ; and in June 1660 he addressed a ‘ warning ’ to the newly restored Charles II , explaining that like King David he must govern the faithful justly .
9 The Schools Council 's early projects have been criticized in that they rarely took account of the context of the individual institutions where change was sought and ignored the fact that there was little consensus amongst teachers about the value of change anyway ( Becher and Maclure , 1978 ; Kelly , 1982 ; Richards , 1983 ; Cassidy , 1986 ) .
10 Marx 's and Engels 's rejection of idealism , however , is qualified in that they also reject the crude materialism which they saw manifested in the work of such writers as the German socialist Feuerbach .
11 Erm forty six thousand figure we feel is acceptable in that we still have to make environmental releases in the greenbelt , but erm the net outward movement would not hinder our urban regeneration .
12 Moreover there is a notable tendency to be selective , in that one positively elects to assist a particular aunt , nephew or cousin , with whom one happens to have a good relationship .
13 I am perhaps out of line with some of my hon. Friends in that I quite enjoyed the speech made by the Secretary of State for the Environment , who opened the debate for the Government .
14 This was again a very painful operation in that she still suffered pain for many weeks thereafter .
15 Following the pioneering work of Samuelson and Solow ( 1960 ) , the Phillips curve came to be regarded as a trade off relation in that it clearly demonstrated the inflationary consequences of pursuing particular demand management strategies .
16 The animal will be aware of its prey in that it consciously perceives , pursues , and devours it , but it will be unaware that it is doing these things for the sake of satisfying its wants .
17 M&A work is different to many other more traditional types of work in that it normally concludes in a completion meeting .
18 The Waste Land , she argues , is a hysterical text in that it always displays that which it attempts to repress ; Eliot 's articulation of his authentic poetic voice gives way , despite himself , to a staging of his own destruction .
19 It is a type of formative assessment , insofar as it looks ahead to future learning activities , but differs in that it usually involves the use of more specific procedures or protocols .
20 This gives complete pain relief and is helpful for women having a long labour or who are getting very distressed , but it has disadvantages in that it obviously makes women feel quite passive and helpless .
21 It was unusual compared with the other countries in that it actually represented a decline ( of 2% ) from the 1971 figure .
22 It requires a broader approach than task analysis in that it often involves tracing the acquisition of the skill starting from the kind of persons who undertake training ( the selection criteria ) through the training procedures to the end product ( the training success criteria ) .
23 The dream ( on which we may try hard to impose a narrative structure , to make sense of it ) is unlike much fantasy in that it often does n't , of itself , contain any such structure , and the ‘ story ’ , if it tells one , may be deeply unintelligible to us .
24 Publicity differs from the other promotional devices mentioned in this chapter in that it often does not cost the organization any money !
25 The forefronting of the Doctor Who monsters , in the wake of the Daleks , was a development which pleased Verity Lambert in that it virtually guaranteed constant press interest in the programme .
26 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
27 When Mehmed the Conqueror took the city of Byzantium in 1453 he personally invested the new patriarch , Gennadios II .
28 The statute of Gloucester in 1278 with its fifteen chapters mainly concerned with land law ; of Acton Burnell in 1283 resolving some aspects of credit ; of Wales in 1284 extending to the newly conquered territory the advantages of English common law ; the statute of Merchants in 1285 drastically revising the statute of Acton Burnell ; the statute of Winchester in 1285 which was concerned to protect society from robbery and violence ; the statutes of Quo Warranto and Quia Emptores in 1290 which respectively clarified a resented enquiry and terminated subinfeudation : all these constitute a staggering corpus of law-making in a matter of fifteen years .
29 Table 6.5 reveals a slight contraction in this sector during the 1970s , but nevertheless in 1980 it still represented over a third of the economically active population for the region as a whole .
30 In 810 he even boasted that he might visit Charles in Aachen , as he had already made deep inroads into Frisia .
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