Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to be do " in BNC.

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1 Inspection and monitoring are expected to be done by mobile robots capable of pattern recognition .
2 Justice must be seen to be done , however , and when it had been seen to be done , the miscreants were cheered by a crowd assembled outside the court .
3 Delighted he 's being given the O.K. , unsure what we 're meant to be doing now , and HUNGRY !
4 The next questionnaire is designed to help you look at your work and get clear in your head what you 're meant to be doing and how .
5 Is that what we 're meant to be doing this term , tutorials ?
6 No it sounds like you 're meant to be doing .
7 However , since evaluation gives prestige and rewards to those who are judged to be doing well , and condemns those who are not , it is very important that any evaluation should be fair and linked to positive suggestions for improvement .
8 ‘ ( a ) the manner in which , and purposes for which , the product has been marketed , its get-up , the use of any mark in relation to the product and any instructions for , or warnings with respect to , doing or refraining from doing anything with or in relation to the product ; ( b ) what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product ; and ( c ) the time when the product was supplied by its producer to another ; and nothing in this section shall require a defect to be inferred from the fact alone that the safety of a product which is supplied after that time is greater than the safety of the product in question . ’
9 ( b ) what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product ; and
10 What might reasonably be expected to be done with the product ?
11 Use Section 3(2) ( b ) provides that a court should take into account , " what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product …
12 Everyone agrees that something will have to be seen to be done before the next annual general meeting in February .
13 Mr Andrew Cammish , representing Shaun Williams , had told them : ‘ Justice must be seen to be done as well as be done and it is my duty to bring any particular irregularity to the court 's attention .
14 A Scottish Office spokesman said : ‘ Justice must not only be seen to be done — but heard to be done . ’
15 Explanations of this kind have a certain political attractiveness — by making training , selection and deployment the target of reform , things can be done , they can be seen to be done , and they can be done relatively cheaply too .
16 Then a complete rehearing before a differently constituted body would be needed in order for justice to be seen to be done .
17 Justice must be seen to be done , however , and when it had been seen to be done , the miscreants were cheered by a crowd assembled outside the court .
18 In Sussex Justices the court said that " it is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done . "
19 This seems to me to be more consistent with the need for justice to be seen to be done — and this both by the alleged contemnor and the more general public .
20 Thus where the body is judicial in nature the lower test of reasonable suspicion should suffice , reflecting the importance of the idea that justice should be seen to be done .
21 I 'm stuck in a cell with a reeking bucket , and two hundred years to wait before justice can be done , and be seen to be done .
22 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , if justice is to be seen to be done , it is far better for it to be dispensed closer to the community in which the crime took place ?
23 My hon. Friend is entirely right : it is the principle that matters , and the ultimate principle is that there should be justice and that justice should be seen to be done .
24 Increased attention to secondary education meant that justice had to be seen to be done .
25 ( 65 ) Justice must not only be done — ( … ) — but must manifestly be seen to be done .
26 In many spheres of public life justice should be seen to be done as well as be done , and officials should not only be impartial but be seen to be above reproach .
27 It was always our contention that justice should not only be done but that justice should be seen to be done by the due process of the public inquiry .
28 What we need to be certain about is that whatever society is involved in or whatever organisation is involved in balloting that it should be seen to be done properly .
29 Last-minute trips to Boston by the employment minister , Ruari Quinn , and local mayor , Padric McCormack , were regarded as a face-saving exercise — something to be seen to be done .
30 Then justice may be seen to be done .
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