Example sentences of "be [verb] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
2 Mr Gould moved on to Brussels , where his anti-EEC inclinations — which have been hidden though never abandoned in recent years — became entrenched .
3 Given that the recognition of the significance of portal hypertension in portopulmonary hypertension is recent , it is possible that other cases of PBC associated primary PHT have been dismissed as merely associated with liver disease .
4 Bear in mind that a number of legal avenues may be open to you if you are dismissed and wrongly treated .
5 A control contract is subject to shareholder approval by a majority vote ( including any shares held by the dominant undertaking : but , in the case of a company whose shares are listed or publicly traded , the domestic regulatory authority may — as the Stock Exchange presently does — ban an interested shareholder from voting in this type of situation ) ; such a contract may therefore allow predators who have obtained board control of a company to make that company effectively subservient to an external body without the formalities of a takeover .
6 As many as 60 political parties were believed to have been legalized or freshly created during the 13 months following the publication in December 1989 of the draft joint constitution for a unified Yemen .
7 What is now required is a large scale , well co-ordinated research programme on the products from all known kilns , many of which have been excavated but never published .
8 Opportunities to observe how the novice 's area supervisor or other , more experienced , colleagues handle negotiations or use their discretion are limited and usually confined to the bigger pollutions or more intractable problems .
9 The discipline is the only means by which these forces are consumed and thus destroyed .
10 Lesion studies have their own problems of interpretation , while other methods which might conceivably be used to establish cerebral dominance , such as dichaptic stimulation and the dual-task technique , have not been validated nor widely adopted in experiments with large numbers of left handers .
11 [ No shares or other securities of the Company have been registered or otherwise qualified for sale or resale under Federal or State laws in the United States of America or Canada .
12 The siting of the control and communications unit where the emergency signals are received and possibly monitored for secondary action i.e. isolating services etc. , is imperative , and slave mimic display panels should be considered at other and remote positions from the prime risk areas to ensure cover for the control of the emergency operations .
13 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
14 This last , where a new corporate identity has been developed and recently launched , is particularly important in international markets .
15 The structures of related polyamides do not always lead to this neat arrangement of intermolecular bond formation ; for example the geometry of an extended nylon-7,7 chain allows the formation of only every second possible hydrogen bond when the chains are aligned and fully extended .
16 Ever since that time , the fate of the Musgrave family and the strangely beautiful glass goblet have been regarded as inextricably entwined .
17 What strikes him of a sudden , as he remembers this experience , is how it had been foreseen and marmoreally recorded by Virgil : as Virgil 's Aeneas left doomed Troy , carrying his household and ancestral gods , so Pound leaves the doomed Rome of fascist Italy , carrying in his haversack his gods — books by Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and T. E. Hulme and Percy Wyndham Lewis .
18 It is possible however to structure plans so that they are responsive to change , particularly when they are formed and later adjusted with the help of a suitable management information system .
19 In breakaways all sorts of temporary alliances are formed and quickly broken .
20 The first experiments assess how subjects ’ recognition of photographs of familiar faces is affected if these are disguised or otherwise altered in various ways , and clarify which features of faces are important for their recognition .
21 His distinguishing marks were a duelling scar across his hand , and also a deformed thumb that had been broken and badly reset ; it gave the impression of a parrot 's bill .
22 The Scottish Officer in its Urban Programme ( Urban Aid ) makes grants available for projects which address aspects of disadvantage in areas which are designated as multiply deprived .
23 Her nails had been manicured and lightly touched with colour , and her cheeks , slightly flushed , seemed somehow to add emphasis to the startling green of her eyes .
24 No text is returned when entries have been modified and subsequently discarded .
25 A bricoleur was a handyman who , by using bits of machinery or equipment , the original purpose of which had been forgotten or never known , was able to solve immediate mechanical problems .
26 The Queen and Prince Philip survived it only because it came upon them in middle age — when any youthful indescretion or misbehaviour had long since been enjoyed and then forgotten in the mists of time .
27 Other commands to validate and execute either a search , navigation or trail request are parsed and then sent to the appropriate process .
28 Problems are individualized or even suppressed rather than openly explored with all the possible difficulties that this entails .
29 The dominant culture may well be one that has been fostered or actively imposed by the Organisation in the person of its managers .
30 They are condemned as signs of unclear or lazy thinking — and , indeed , when they are overused or inappropriately used ( as in a wall of political hedging erected by a defensive politician ) — they are widely and justifiably attacked .
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