Example sentences of "be [verb] [pers pn] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Right , they 're accusing him to be claiming to be God and they actually say they actually say their decision is that he 's guilty and should be put to death , they 've condemned him to death .
2 We 're claiming it to be the fastest estate car in the world , the most exclusive and the most expensive .
3 6 The current whereabouts of the picture if you are expecting it to be returned , and a regular reminder procedure .
4 And , of course , they are buying them to be trendy .
5 ‘ You are asking me to be clairvoyant as well as indiscreet .
6 Most of us have seen formal syntax diagrams and Backus-Naur Form ( BNF ) definitions for languages , and many of us have been found them to be somewhat confusing .
7 Ask yourself , ‘ What precisely is it I wish my child to say and/or do when I am asking him/her to be good , polite , helpful , kind ? ’ ( or any of those other vague goals parents set for their bemused offspring ) .
8 I am asking you to be my wife . ’
9 ‘ I told you , I am asking you to be my grandmother 's companion . ’
10 We 'll certainly be urging them to do more , and we 'll be urging them to do it more efficiently , and we 'll be urging them to be much more accountable .
11 Mum will be expecting me to be on the bus , remember . ’
12 In my view the body is no more than a bag , a costume or a cover and I 'm altering it to be more in line with how I see myself . ’
13 You have to remember I was only 19 when I first came here and people were expecting me to be totally in control .
14 You 'd hurt me so badly — there I was , head over heels in love with you , and you were asking me to be your mistress . ’
15 The director wants you to do it a certain way , and either you do n't feel that he 's right or you feel that he 's right but he 's forcing you to be a square peg in a round hole .
16 The simplest way to understand how catallaxy works is to imagine it to be a game .
17 Police say they do n't yet know when Mr Dobbs body will be released but the Gloucestershire coronor 's expecting him to be returned for an inquest
18 I erm got , check you 've got two days , you 've got give me the estimate , it 's got to be on because she 's expecting it to be done straight away on the computer and sent .
19 God is n't calling me to be a cook , Your Excellency , he 's calling me to be a contemplative .
20 ‘ But Daddy is expecting it to be a sort of little God-speed thing .
21 I fear that we can not return to Salzburg very soon and mamma must not wish it , for she knows how much good it is doing me to be able to breathe freely .
22 Nobody 's asking you to be anything less .
23 I think you did send this is intending it to be a postal application Mr ?
24 If , in the case of a child attending a county school , convenient arrangements for the RE to take place elsewhere can not be made , the LEA is to allow it to be given on school premises provided that it does not consider that it would be unreasonable in the circumstances to do so and provided the authority does not have to meet the cost .
25 The ideas might even have come from elsewhere-their tutors , or books , or perhaps a tape/slide presentation — but the student has to embrace them as his or her own if he or she is claiming them to be true .
26 The only proper way to acknowledge the arbitrator 's authority is to take it to be a reason for action which replaces the reasons on the basis of which he was meant to decide .
27 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
28 He stated that ‘ it ought to be inferred that … one of the purposes of the advertisement was to enable it to be used by smokers as ammunition to persuade others that their habit was not dangerous to the health of anyone except perhaps their own . ’
29 This would take some courage but something inside her was urging her to be honest .
30 As late as the summer of 1939 Sir Stafford Cripps , expelled from the Labour Party and hardly a natural Baldwin man , was urging him to be a brick in a wall of anti-appeasement national unity .
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