Example sentences of "the power [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 It does seem today , as Mill once said , ‘ protection is needed against the tyranny of prevailing opinion … the tendency of society to impose its own ideas and practices ’ and by ‘ an increasing inclination to stretch unduly the powers of society over the individual by the force of opinion and even by that of legislation ’ .
2 Thus the government abandoned its earlier proposal to transfer to the new private sector companies the powers of regulation over river basin management , previously exercised by the water authorities .
3 Authors should have the power of veto over blurbs — the book deserved a better one than this .
4 The MoD has the power of veto over all British arms exports .
5 Suggestions in the bill for an independent panel of experts to be given the power of veto over the research were rejected .
6 Henry VII instigated changes which included reducing the power of nobility over the countryside and extending the duties of the Justices of the Peace .
7 Do they derive from the power of men over women in the domestic arena and/or the labour market , or do they reflect the wishes of the carers themselves , or the assumptions about sex roles embedded in social policies or the ideology of sex-role stereotyping and prevailing ideas of women 's proper place …
8 All these birds have lost the power of flight over millions of years .
9 This case , in effect , turns on whether the family proceedings court can keep the power of review over a care order by making directions in relation to the care order .
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