Example sentences of "a [noun] can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 By putting a little extra energy into contracting his extensor muscles on his way to impact , thereby stiffening his tendons , a runner can maximise his innate springiness .
2 The shared fun , or criticism , of a text can bring its own satisfaction .
3 It is one of the greatest subjects to which a university can call its students .
4 A board can make its own arrangements for considering such applications ( subs .
5 Like a fairytale hero , only a marvel can help her .
6 Naturally , a computer can send its data faster than a printer can handle it , and this situation is made worse by using PostScript .
7 For instance , a computer can search he words of titles and print out all items containing the relevant key terms , but if an astronomer asks for anything to do with black holes , he may find himself presented with material on the Black Hole of Calcutta , or titles in which the two words appear separately and accidentally , unless the search procedure is more tightly controlled .
8 A creditor can assign his right to a dividend and give notice to the trustee of this , whereupon the trustee must pay the dividend to the assignee ( r 11.11 ) .
9 The Law Commissions in their 1987 report discussed the fact that the present law on acceptance means that a buyer can lose his right of rejection before he knows , or can know , that he has a right of rejection .
10 Anyone who wants to make a donation can send it directly to Kevin at Leeds .
11 In species that fight , a male can increase his effective strength by forming a coalition with another male , and ganging up on competitors .
12 As William Hamilton , now at the University of Michigan , pointed out in the 1960s , a male can perpetuate its genes in the next generation , not only by fathering offspring himself , but also by assisting the reproductive efforts of near relations who share many of his genes .
13 Replacing a roof can cost anything from £4,000 , but there is an excellent choice of roofing materials available and a new roof should last for years .
14 This comparison may form the crucial part of a description ; later on , using comparison as a criterion , that a portrait should look like the sitter , that landscape should look natural , and the objects in a still life should be identifiable , a critic can use it as part of an evaluation .
15 A musician can fool himself and say , ‘ Yeah , I 'm doing great because I 'm getting all these write-ups and my career seems to be looking good , ’ but what it boils down to is what you 're actually doing — whether or not you 're breaking any new ground in music .
16 An example of practitioner as researcher , in the field of adoption , demonstrates how a practitioner can enrich her practice and make a contribution to knowledge at the same time .
17 If a child can open them more than four inches he could fall out .
18 But here , Mr Lenarduzzi and his staff perceive a recurrent problem : ‘ How do you know when a child can do something ? ’ he asks .
19 The telephone watch receiver is used in two ways : ( 1 ) holding it to your other ear when using the ‘ phone may ( depending on your hearing loss ) provide better speech reception and prevent interference from background noise ; ( 2 ) you speak on the telephone in the ordinary way , and someone ( a child can do it ) listens through the watch receiver and repeats to you what the speaker says , which you then speechread and reply direct to the caller .
20 Especially is it difficult when a child can remember her own mother , and had in fact seen her again some months before .
21 Or if you have a number of outstanding debts , such as credit card charges and hire purchase deals , a remortgage can pay them all off at a much lower rate of interest to help you reduce your outgoings .
22 The Minister has also made statements on the increasingly complex issues of how far a council can allocate its own costs of contract supervision to the tender submitted by an outside contractor ( Hedley 1989a:10 ) .
23 A plan can do nothing more .
24 There is not a fool can call me friend ,
25 I had literally had everything possible that a judge can give you .
26 The yew contains a mixture of poisonous compounds and only a chemist can extract anything good from it so people should n't eat or drink anything connected with the Yew tree .
27 It may well be that they 're doing it , with er other ways of doing it and er that 's , that 's discussion , but I do actually think that there is sometimes something to be said , and I think a group can say it more easily than individual , is if you want something done , do it , but do n't come along and complain .
28 When children leave home , parents feel somewhat redundant , while a pet can enter our lives at any stage , providing hours of pleasure , love and immense fulfilment .
29 For example , a business can authorise us to collect both fixed and variable amounts on set dated from named payers by using MID-DEB .
30 If you have AIDS , a germ can destroy your eyesight .
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