Example sentences of "and at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 However , there was no computer system to manage the exercise — when the nav wanted a position line or fix he pre-warned the instructor , who sat the other side of the ‘ cockpit ’ facia , and at the appropriate time a piece of paper was pushed through the wall with the details scrawled upon it !
2 Our 1963 Herald 12/50 was keen to get going , and at the allotted time we set off through the Borders and towards North Yorkshire .
3 Provided Mr X was not domiciled in the United Kingdom when the settlement was created and at the relevant time , eg the death of the son , the assets were not located in the United Kingdom , inheritance tax would not be in point even if the son is domiciled in the UK .
4 It will probably not go unnoticed if you appear well organized at this stage , and it will certainly help you to appear at the right place and at the right time looking calm and unruffled .
5 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
6 Under the Mental Health Act 1959 patients maintained on guardianship orders knew that drug treatment could be enforced and therefore appeared regularly for depot injection on the right day and at the right time without pressure or demur .
7 Done correctly , and at the right time , it can add power to the technique being performed .
8 The young South African concluded he was in the right place , and at the right time .
9 Is he not interested in ensuring that building skills are available and , more importantly , that homes are made available in the right place and at the right time ?
10 Advances in electronic and micro processors enabling fuel to be delivered in the right quantity and at the optimum time in the combustion process now allow an efficiency to be achieved that Dr Rudolf Diesel could never have dreamed of in 1892 .
11 Similar displacements occurred and Africans were confined to reserves in Kenya , or to tribal trust lands in Zimbabwe ( Southern Rhodesia ) and at the present time in the Bantustans by the Republic of South Africa .
12 There is in this respect a total difference between Community legislation and British primary legislation , in respect of which there is no obligation to state reasons and at the present time no practice of doing so .
13 Information handling is a highly demanding exercise as far as computers are concerned — much more demanding than carrying out complex calculations — and at the present time micros do not provide the kind of flexibility and robustness which is required .
14 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
15 Zuckerman is seeking to deny the traditional connection between illness and psychic division which is reaffirmed in the novel as a whole , and which is also reaffirmed in The Facts , and at the same time to deny that there is a traditional belief in division or multiplicity , a long-standing sense of selfhood as a chimera .
16 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
17 Not all the clergy and all the religious orders have been actively engaged in the pursuit of this ideal , but one or two orders have been ; for example , the Christian Brothers are devoted to the ideals of a Christian and catholic education , and supporters of the concept of a nation dedicated to God and at the same time distinctly Irish .
18 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
19 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
20 ‘ His books taught me that poetry can be pure and profound , and at the same time popular . ’
21 He selected the simplest steps and poses of classical dance with its perfectly balanced form and at the same time gave it straighter , longer lines to draw attention to the more athletic qualities of Greek dance and to the clear , austere sounds of Satie 's modern music .
22 To start the saw , the starting lock at the top of the handle has to be pressed forwards and at the same time the trigger switch is squeezed .
23 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
24 Many a reader of The Possessed will have smiled at Von Lemke 's paper cut-outs — the conductor waving his baton , the bustling railway porter , the hell-fire gesticulating preacher — and at the same time he will have wondered why the microcosmic animated toys feel so supremely right for this novel .
25 A rift has opened between realism and something beyond , and at the same time a link has been forged between Dostoevsky 's favourite phrase , the deeper realism , and my own apocalyptic naturalism .
26 And at the same time , since Svidrigailov too has been brushed against in this reaching back which is also a reaching forward , the incident of the governor 's ear can be understood in all its matchless comedy as a desperate man 's recourse against boredom .
27 You have to train people to become doctors or engineers or professors , and at the same time to train them in questioning all that — not only in a critical way , but I would say in a deconstructive way .
28 In my own teaching , in my own responsibilities , I think I have to make two gestures simultaneously : to train people , to teach them , to give them a content , to be a good pedagogue , to train teachers , to give them a profession ; and at the same time to make them as conscious as possible of the problems of professionalization .
29 ‘ It is ridiculous that somebody should talk to a party and at the same time dictate to that party who should be heading it , ’ he said in an interview with The Independent .
30 His manner of playing the piano has something so basically individual about it , and at the same time so masterly , that he may really be described as the perfect virtuoso . ’
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