Example sentences of "and they [modal v] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cross there , by night , and they might with luck even capture the man .
2 The same is generally true of diurnal raptors , although they can also take larger animals because with their stronger beaks and talons they are able to overpower and kill larger and more powerful prey , and they may on occasion hunt cooperatively ( Bednarz , 1988 ) .
3 On the other hand , used aright , it can help very much in the understanding of mathematical operations , because far more many and widespread examples can be dealt with very quickly , and they can for example erm get a feel of the result of multiplying or dividing or whatever it , it is , numbers of quite different sizes .
4 They know that efficient reading is essential for all subjects other than physical education and they will in consequence watch very carefully the primary school 's success with their children 's capacity to read .
5 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
6 There 's some people at the flat out there and they used to bricks at the windows and things like that .
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