Example sentences of "and [noun prp] do [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Worse , he and Jessica did not like each other much .
2 Karen made a non-committal noise , and Jessica did not push her .
3 But England management and Neal do n't mix easily .
4 The windows had been tinted purple , and Doyle did n't manage to glimpse the occupants of the cab .
5 But it was not taken seriously in the West and Moscow did not persist in linking these American bases to the INF negotiations underway .
6 And Eustace did n't believe in the paranormal .
7 The VBK and GEDOK do not see themselves as being in competition .
8 Fortunately , John 's present lender , Bradford and Bingley does not charge a redemption penalty , although this charge can be an expensive shock to some remortgagors .
9 Don Mathew , who compiled the survey , said : ‘ Councils in Middlesbrough , Newcastle and Gateshead do n't seem to care about cyclists whereas York really tries .
10 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
11 Conrad and Philippa do n't believe me , not really .
12 The sees of Ramsbury and Hereford did not fall vacant in his reign , while it is not known which king appointed Bishop Godwin II of Rochester .
13 She said that a few cross words with Riley and Linley did not count for much .
14 When he left a note I heard him saying to Stephen and Kelly do n't give your Uncle Raymond any biscuits .
15 She did n't explain what these intentions were , and Scarlet did n't ask .
16 Presumably Hurd and Baker do not mean by this that Hamas , the Gaza-based fundamentalist movement dedicated to destroying Israel ( unlike the PLO ) , should take up the official torch of Palestinian independence !
17 Thus , while Sharpe , White , and Bernard do not believe that the Arminians should be blamed for causing the civil war of the 1640s , Tyacke , John Morrill , and other historians have conversely argued that Laud and his fellow prelates should bear a major part of the responsibility for provoking what they regard as ‘ England 's wars of religion ’ .
18 She felt uneasy amongst non-smokers and a home without children did n't feel right , and Bernard did n't look happy .
19 This was all about them and somehow she and Fernando did n't exist .
20 She said nothing about Miguel to Victoria for several days , and Victoria did n't broach the subject of finding both of them in Miguel 's bedroom .
21 There was a library but Rain and Patrick did not meet there because her recollection was wrong and they blundered into each other in a passage .
22 And Zack did not call .
23 Thus the findings of Newcombe and Ratcliffe do not confirm those of Hécaen and Sauguet .
24 His struggles had brought him to within reach of Chalon 's powerful hindquarters , and Isabel did n't hesitate .
25 He and Bella did n't seem to be having very much fun without him .
26 Some such explanation seems called for , given the fact that in many ways the two theories of Reich and Freud did not disagree fundamentally on the one area of the need for sexual reform .
27 But Philip and Richard did not withdraw to the frontier .
28 It is an activity of the brave and strong and not of the cowardly , for ‘ Cowardice and Ahimsā do not go together any more than water and fire . ’
29 Apparently Angell and Pownall did not approve of Brodrick 's novel lighting arrangements and recommended that the scheme be rejected .
30 There was no doubt he crashed into the sea as I watched him hit , but I did not get a confirmation of this as there was no one else to see it and R.D.F. did n't seem to have much coverage up that way . ’
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