Example sentences of "and [verb] [conj] it had " in BNC.

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1 It had ‘ failed to make my flesh creep ’ , he reports guardedly , in a phrase he was to repeat years later about it in his life of Ronald Knox ( 1959 ) , and failed because it had denied the existence of the soul and omitted all mention of the Church .
2 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
3 They listened to the Black story and admitted that it had important implications .
4 Only one company questioned , who insisted on complete anonymity , had taken on an ex-headhunter into a position it had been seeking to fill , and admitted that it had been a disastrous mistake .
5 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
6 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
7 Blix , in Libya for the opening of the first Arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy , visited Libya 's one declared nuclear reactor , the small Soviet-built Tajura research reactor outside Tripoli , and found that it had been shut down since June 1991 because spare parts were no longer available and most of the Soviet scientists who had worked there had gone home .
8 sparkling and looked like it had n't been touched , and I could n't believe it .
9 Just imagine what your reaction would be if you were given a brand new washing machine and told that it had to last you for seventy years or more .
10 However , Kovalyov was recently summoned to the local District Department of Internal Affairs and told that it had ‘ new material ’ against him .
11 He fired and believed that it had gone down .
12 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
13 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
14 Reports on Jan. 30 said that two military judges in Padua examining the legality of " Gladio " had , in an interim indictment , charged the organization with " possible acts of terrorism " and claimed that it had maintained close links with the fascist " Marine Star " established after the Second World War .
15 The plaintiffs were manufacturers of a boiler disincrustant and claimed that it had been produced by a secret process .
16 He said , ‘ Did you have a good Christmas ? ’ , and not looking at him she thanked him for asking and replied that it had been quiet but nice .
17 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
18 He liked that phrase and observed that it had hoisted his reputation for conversation to the top of the pole .
19 He obtained a sample of the mould from Fleming , and discovered that it had been incorrectly identified .
20 Mr Spring stressed his belief that the Anglo-Irish Agreement was ‘ very important ’ and insisted that it had a future .
21 Endill climbed to the shelf where he had left the cough mixture and saw that it had gone .
22 She gave a quick glance at her watch , put on an hour on the ferry to accommodate the time change , and saw that it had gone six , and that , apart for a stop for petrol and a brief stop in Aachen for a cup of coffee , she had been driving more or less continuously since just after nine that morning .
23 She looked back at Nuadu and knew that it had to work .
24 BIIBA wanted a stay of execution on Fimbra 's plans and thought that it had gained such a deal when its chairman , David Palmer , met Fimbra chairman Lord Elton .
25 Once the process was completed , older boys , apprentice papermakers , came and dislodged the sheet , taking it away to the drying trestles , where it had to be carefully watched and removed after it had dried but before it began to turn yellow in the sun .
26 He was appalled at the thought of turning into a pub at five-thirty for a quiet drink and finding that it had been converted into a Poets ' Pub , ‘ reverberating , like an African village , with the roll of ‘ Drake 's Drum . ’ .
27 I was put in touch with a local historian who thought that the stone was possibly a Roman altar stone and said that it had been discovered set into the wall of the church when renovations were made a few years ago .
28 On Aug. 26 , Citibank blamed the Indian banking system for irregularities in its Indian operations and denied that it had " accommodated " or had been involved with those implicated in the scandal .
29 For a moment , just before they left the house , as she and her aunt clung tightly to each other , the silent tears coursing down their faces , Ruth hated America and wished that it had never been discovered .
30 The Northern Ireland Office was shaken to its foundations and accepted that it had to curtail drastically the activities of the Provisional IRA and be seen to move against the more violent gangsters in loyalist urban districts .
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