Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 're talking about in excess of twenty thousand vehicles so you 've still got erm a considerable proportion , somewhere of the order of at least two thirds , which
2 It 's er it 's not so necessary probably er as where at times I 've given talks in various parts of the country on on this area .
3 She talked of the spectre of Pre Menstrual Tension and how it blighted her life .
4 So you think that resources ought to be allocated on the basis of need of particularly populations , and an analysis of the spread of within the age groups , rather than on just on a sort of so much per head uniform way .
5 To represent a happening as unforeseeable , however — and herein lies the explanation for the use of the infinitive with to — one must necessarily evoke a position before its occurrence : the stretch of time leading up to it must be evoked as containing no prior indication that it was going to occur .
6 As Douglas and Ramsay stationed their people about one hundred yards out from the gateway , peering to see if the drawbridge was indeed down , they were startled by two figures who materialised out of the gloom from behind a low wall of the forecourt — and were almost leapt upon there and then .
7 For successful students who possess at least two years ' relevant experience and have been members of the Institute for at least two years , the Banking Certificate leads to a qualification in its own right — the Cert .
8 This fixes the temperature of the matrix to between 4K and 20K .
9 Graham argued that all this is indicative of a person who has n't grown , fully grown out of his childhood worries , problems , especially the er , he has n't actually dealt with the true feelings that he had towards his father , and who instead chose to vent his rage on others and political career , which resulted in Wilson being , er well , losing some of his rationality , which led to his poor performance in er negotiating and gaining acceptance of the Treaty of after World War One .
10 In particular , since oscillation is avoided if the phase shift is less than at the frequency at which falls to unity , it follows that a negative-feedback amplifier involving just first-order networks is stable if the slope of the plot of versus is less than 12dB per octave as the condition is approached .
11 There is only what from our side is neither predictable nor controllable — the coming of the Word from beyond which opens and displays to us the overwhelming advent of God as he makes himself known in the ‘ eternal moment ’ .
12 The broad white scar against the deeply tanned skin was visible for all to see , running down the full length of the back from between the shoulder-blades .
13 The Member States may indeed decide that the employee 's contract shall simply continue with the transferor , but they may equally decide that the employee 's refusal to transfer shall be regarded as a termination of the contract by the employer or , even , that the refusal to transfer is to be treated as a determination of the contract of by the employee ( point 36 ) .
14 Preliminary government estimates put the cost of the damage at around US$400,000,000 , but other estimates were as high as US$2,000 million .
15 But it all counts at the end of the day in in calculating your pension and lump sum .
16 He warbled on about watching Match Of The Day from behind the sofa that night — now is that the sort of talk we want coming from the captain of Leeds United AFC ?
17 ( That figure , though , depends as much on the future price of oil and the level of the dollar as on the price of credit alone . )
18 B. In the Vale of York the melting of the ice front was equal to the slow forward movement of the ice from behind the front , for a period of many centuries .
19 Applications for Associateship should be supported by two Fellows of the association who have knowledge of the candidate for at least two years immediately preceding the application .
20 The first anniversary of the massacre of at least 50 East Timorese civilians at Dili 's Santa Cruz cemetery on Nov. 12 , 1991 [ see pp. 38579-80 ] , took place without incident .
21 And has , I almost , I came out of the station from from I almost spent all my money in my handbag in that place , already , you know ?
22 It is just a matter of lightly pushing the point of the hook into the skin of the boilie by about one eighth of an inch .
23 Care proceedings must be commenced in the family proceedings court unless they arise from a s37 investigation made in the course of family proceedings in a High Court or county court or there are other proceedings under Parts IV or V of the Act pending in the higher courts ( APO , art 3 ) .
24 But " goods " are defined by section 61(1) of the Act as including : all personal chattels other than things in action and money .
25 Erm simply to remind you of the position of of Selby District in in that our interest in a new settlement emerged out of concern for the quality of life in existing villages in in Selby district , and concerns for the impact of future peripheral development in those villages , and not just peripheral development on the edge of York , although of course we acknowledge that as an important consideration and it is for that reason that we fully supported the County Council 's proposals in relation to greenbelt , erm you asked the question earlier in relation to the P P G advice and and the six criteria , erm in fact I 've already rehearsed that argument in my submission so I wo n't repeat it now , erm the fact that you chose to phrase the question that way I 'll take as a good omen as to the way I presented my submission , but it it it 's there for you to read again , the the the main point that I want to address is something that was raised by Mr Wincup yesterday , and that was the difference or not as between Selby district and Hambledon district , er M Mr Jewitt 's made reference earlier to his opposition to the new settlement , and in doing so he he he mentioned the settlement pattern in Hambledon district , he 'll correct me if I 'm wrong , but one of small dispersed villages , well in Selby district we do have villages of that nature , but the Northern part of of Selby district is significantly deferent to Hambledon , it 's characterized by much larger villages , and in fact the establishment of a new settlement would n't conflict with with the settlement pattern at all .
26 Most Soviet citizens , however , appeared to have remained loyal to their native language in their domestic and family life , and there was little sign of the disappearance of at least the major Soviet languages , most of which were still spoken by the great majority of the nationalities in question ( the 1979 census found that 62 per cent of non-Russians were fluent in that language , but that 93 per cent of the population identified their national language as their native one ; the 1989 census found that the reported level of knowledge of Russian had actually fallen among at least two national groups , the Uzbeks and Lithuanians ) .
27 On average , a 10% increase in the unemployment benefits in the first three months increases reservation wages by 2.3% , reduces the conditional probability of leaving unemployment by about 12% and increases the expected duration of the spell by about 1.2% .
28 Furthermore , there was a challenge to the legitimacy of the strike from within the leadership of the working class .
29 Rectangular towers , also unexcavated , appear fairly evenly spaced along the exterior of the wall on at least two sides , but their relationship to the wall remains unknown .
30 I walked to him and , as he pulled down the lower part of the head-wrap from across his mouth , he introduced himself as Idris .
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