Example sentences of "of what you [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Curry , who began his career at seven presenting Yorkshire TV 's Junior Showtime , admits : ‘ It 's a daunting part because of what you hear about people who have played it before .
2 " Her choosing that wine was the effect of what you said about its edge . "
3 Do you think they took any notice of what you said about the telephone-box ? ’
4 However , pleasure at the growth of the amateur game is slightly tempered by an inevitable feeling of what you gain on the roundabout you lose on the swings .
5 ‘ What is more , sir , ’ his lordship went on , ‘ I believe I have a good idea of what you mean by ‘ professionalism ’ .
6 You see , there was n't much to go on , just your name , which the housekeeper remembered , a fair idea of what you looked like , and the fact that you were somehow connected with the art world .
7 Would The Spire by William Golding be a good example of what you had in mind ?
8 The report should be between 750 and 1000 words in length and contain an explanation of what you learnt from the visit .
9 He remarked , " I got rid of what you saw in that hole out there .
10 of what you drank from first , then what you drowned in .
11 You can not do this without projecting the effect of what you write upon an imagined reader .
12 Sorry to sound a little perverse on that issue , but I , we really wanted to have a clear indication of what you felt as District Planning Officers , er an and indeed we 'll hear what the County feel and in fact have pursued through this alteration , but can I again , just for clarification , and in fact it 's a sort of final head count , er and again I raise this in the context of P P G three paragraph thirty three , and that is the degree of acceptability , or otherwise , by the local planning authorities , erm and I only need a nod from you , or otherwise , for the record .
13 You can work for a record company now because of your college degree , instead of what you know about music .
14 If you mark the letter without prejudice then taxation will be on the basis of what you put in the bill .
15 There 's loads and loads of what you trimmed off the .
16 But I think it 's always a case of what you bring to acting — bring to the parts that are being offered to you .
17 ‘ You do n't even know the full extent of what you did to me six years ago .
18 Make a list of what you believe to be your own specific , characteristic and strongly held views in terms of attitudes , preferences , and prejudices .
19 Do n't underestimate the police because of what you read in the upmarket papers . ’
20 The prospectus is almost a written specification of what you have on offer at school and its preparation deserves a great deal of careful thought .
21 In other words , you are leader , and you are offering your audience a ‘ taster ’ of what you have on offer .
22 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
23 BELVILLE : Ah Billy , there is no fear of what you hint at — you know not the girl .
24 Now make another table of what you expect from your house , and award points from one to ten in the same way :
25 Can you think of any time in your life when you have been the victim of what you considered to be an injustice , grievance , outrage , or any other kind of wrong ?
26 ’ I would still be very wary of what you say to him . ’
27 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
28 I agree with most of what you say about Frank .
29 be any point , huh , if they , cos the thing is if you go to all those lectures and then , because you 're allowed to go to an employer of what you wan na be , you see they talk to you about it and they , and then you go on the computers
30 All you have to do is put the qualities for the Man of the Nineties listed on the coupon in order of what you consider to be important , from one to six .
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