Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The day nurseries opened during both wars were rapidly closed when the conflicts ended , and as Deborah Thom and Penelope Summerfield have convincingly argued , the amount of support offered to working mothers during both wars has been much exaggerated .
2 There are two core elements of support offered to local voluntary groups by the Campaign — information and grants .
3 Moreover , while we accept the degree of protection afforded to other environmentally significant areas in development plans may not be as high as that for nationally designated areas , we would expect the need to protect such areas to be an important material consideration , otherwise there seems little point in identifying such areas .
4 Moreover , while we accept the degree of protection afforded to other environmentally significant areas in development plans may not be as high as that for nationally designated areas , we would expect the need to protect such areas to be an important material consideration , otherwise there seems little point in identifying such areas .
5 However , because it groups entries alphabtically according to the areas of responsibility given to particular topic editors , it can be slightly confusing .
6 There are two forms of inequality related to occupational pensions which also serve to disadvantage very elderly women , especially widows .
7 Moreover , after Minister of Defence Jean-Pierre Chevènement had convened a round table meeting and promised to upgrade conditions , the expression of discontent spread to other branches of the armed forces .
8 Perhaps the greatest amount of damage done to deaf centres in a short span of time occurred in the Baedeker Raids of May 1942 in South-West England .
9 In addition , a weighting of constructs according to their importance or status within the construct system ( as suggested by Shaw and Gaines , 1985 ) might lead to a finer and more accurate pattern of response compared to present methods in which all judgments carry equal weight .
10 Given the political rationale lying behind these sharp changes in the volume of aid directed to particular countries , it is clear that the promotion of the donors ' perceived national self-interest is closely bound up with aid .
11 But such theories are parasitic on an implicit understanding that law is a type of instrument adapted to specific important purposes , and such theories are of little guidance in thinking through the role of international law in controlling force for they can suggest no more than a mimicking of the institutions of municipal law without regard to the purposes of having such or similar institutions in the international context .
12 A 14,000-km " unity march " — ekta yatra — launched by the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) [ see p. 38682 ] , ended in Srinigar on Jan. 26 ( Republic Day ) with reports that at least 30 people had been killed in an upsurge of violence attributed to Sikh and Kashmiri militants .
13 In the 1960s , for example , the US administration was captivated by the doctrine of Research Applied to National Needs ( or ‘ Rann ’ ) , the most tangible benefit of which was the improvement of building standards for earthquake resistance .
14 Seroconversion rates in these children ( 67% to 100% ) were much higher than rates after one dose of IPV administered to newborn infants ( 20% to 43% ) , which may be because of maturation of the immune system , the priming effect of previous OPV administration , or a reduction in interference from maternal antibody when IPV is given to older children .
15 Once this was discovered , the amount of oxygen given to young babies was carefully monitored and a dramatic fall in the number of cases resulted .
16 I went to Ben Nevis in February after reports of good conditions , but was disappointed at the lack of ice compared to previous visits .
17 ‘ … the apparent lack of attention given to potential top chord failure cases outboard of the terminal fittings strongly suggests that the earlier work on the 100 series design influenced thinking on the 300 series design . ’
18 In answering this question one is immediately struck by the contrast between , on the one hand , the long history of civil defence preparation , of which the evacuation plan was an important part , and , on the other , the fact that in this planning there was a remarkable lack of attention paid to everyday human problems .
19 The degree of attention paid to physical distribution depends considerably on the proportion of total costs taken up by distribution costs .
20 More recently , however , some American authors have argued that there is a case for separate forms of tax linked to particular purposes .
21 For example , they might be asked to restrict the amount of credit granted to private individuals for consumption , or to property speculators .
22 The Aztecs were using it at the time of the Spanish Conquest in the form of mosaic applied to wooden masks of their gods , combined with shell inlays for eyes and teeth ( Plate E ) .
23 Rita Quick expressed disappointment at the lack of publicity given to Potential Teachers ' Day — an apology was given on behalf of the editors but it was once again pointed out that items for inclusion should be sent in in writing .
24 AGE CONCERN Scotland yesterday called for a public debate on methods of restraint applied to frail elderly people cared for in residential homes or by relatives .
25 One of the pieces of advice offered to adoptive parents is to tell their children that they were ‘ chosen ’ .
26 Important management decisions relate to the levels of priority accorded to different groups for accommodation .
27 On Dartmoor , they exist on the open moorland , demarcating not only parishes but also areas of grazing attached to particular villages .
28 We need , therefore , to distinguish carefully between potential rates of weathering related to climatic parameters , and actual rates of weathering related to conditions at the weathering front .
29 Baker had previously come under heavy attack in parliament over the escape from Brixton Prison in July of two suspected members of the Irish Republican Army [ see p. 38356 ] , over the introduction of legislation related to dangerous dogs , and over the outbreak of inner-city rioting in August-September [ see p. 38445 ] .
30 The emptiness of life reduced to mere sex and death is as awful on the island as in the flat .
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