Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now although it is true that we need to consider contextual factors to explain what it is that creates a feeling of unity in stretches of language of more than one sentence , we can not say that there are no formal links between sentences in discourse .
2 SCOTVEC has written to colleges reminding them of the availability of a devolved system of assessment for awards for which only one college provides the course .
3 Each contribution , from whatever source , is capable of assessment in terms of units of goodness , and when that goodness is accepted as such by a large majority , it can be enshrined in the Created God .
4 The issue of decentralization of services to local bases in the community has inevitably brought with it questions of the decentralization of budgets .
5 His theories linked the idea of progress with advances in technological knowledge and , by showing how progress follows natural laws , he sought to place the development of political organization on a scientific footing .
6 Do you find that erm the likes of yourself and your workmates do you have a lot of kind of views in common and things , do you think that you 're maybe kind of the same political persuasions or whatever ?
7 ‘ There are means of support for women in your situation . ’
8 Wellington also contained the headquarters of New Zealand Railways , and its massive , confident air surmounted by rows of flag-poles represented an extraordinary reaffirmation of support for railways in New Zealand .
9 It is arguable that the Swedish policy of support for parents in the labour force , as well as similar measures in Eastern Europe , have put a brake on fertility decline and perhaps reversed it .
10 THE Foyle Civic Trust has sent a message of support to members of the Armagh Civic Trust after the town centre bomb attack destroyed historic buildings .
11 How have patterns of support between members of the same kin group changed in Britain over time , and especially over the past two centuries ?
12 Thanks to the two teachers from S.W. London who served tea on the 27th June under considerable difficulties — a temperamental urn and lack of support from others in their area .
13 On the other side , the spontaneous growth of a disability culture , in the absence of support from organisations of disabled people , can be regarded as a symptom of ordinary disabled people losing interest in the issues that an elite leadership regards as a priority .
14 ( A similar spread of support among states in the United States presidential elections may result in a president obtaining a majority in the electoral college without obtaining a majority of the popular vote . )
15 Nevertheless , until the end of his life Muldoon continued to command a significant degree of support among interventionists within the parliamentary caucus of the National Party , a factor which consistently served to undermine his leadership successors .
16 This was suggested by the relative lack of change in rates of acid secretion and intragastric acidity on eradication of H pylori despite substantial falls in circulating gastrin concentrations , and by the suppression of acid secretion produced by H pylori on first infection .
17 Thirdly , the current pace of change in ideas about what needs to be purchased is increasing .
18 In fact I think the people who are looking in the direction of change in terms of parent governors and P T As etcetera are , I think looking in the wrong direction .
19 Previous British estimates of seroprevalence in women of childbearing age have range from 22% in England to 14–25% in Scotland .
20 The effect of L-NAME on changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure induced by CCK was reversed by a simultaneous dose of L-arginine .
21 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
22 Given the lack of expertise amongst members of the Senior Management Team in the teaching of Art , he regretted that it was not possible to involve the LEA Art Inspector in the review .
23 Usually it is a matter of payment by instalments with intervening reciprocities in the form of hospitality and counter-gifts meanwhile .
24 Considering the Statue of Liberty has been a beacon of hope for generations of newly-arrived immigrants , it 's appropriate that Mario arrived in New York with his parents 30 years ago .
25 Unions are hoping it could persuade one company to have a change of heart over plans for a pay freeze for some of it 's workers .
26 The rest was a lot of fill-up about memories of the ‘ 30 's and other tired yellow-sheet tricks .
27 The prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality remains a cornerstone of unification .
28 The Commission maintained that the nationality requirements laid down in the Act of 1988 were contrary to the general prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in article 7 of the E.E.C .
29 ‘ the general prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality laid down in article 7 of the [ E.E.C . ]
30 There can be no doubt that nationality requirements of the type contained in the Act of 1988 are incompatible with the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in articles 52 and 221 of the E.E.C .
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