Example sentences of "be the time [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
2 Soon it would be the time for her evening drink : " Just the one , Gigi , do n't you think ? " she would croon when the old bird , freed from her cage , crawled up to crouch against her cheek .
3 So unless he is coming to live with you , this will be the time for you to begin to show him how to cope alone .
4 some of you are a lot younger than me of course , it could be a lot smaller , but er er showing this to teenagers , if you work out what age a teenager will be in the year twenty forty , they 'll be about er in their mid sixties so this period of time , basically , is the time over which our present er generation of schoolchildren will have their adult life .
5 It is the time during which the evolutionary process was producing the human form as it now is , and laying down the pattern from which man , in remote retrospect , can now extract the necessary information on which to lay the foundation of the concept of the Created God , and to understand how he must develop that concept .
6 Where the fetch , or distance at the disposal of the wind for the generation of waves , is very large the factor governing the height of the waves is the time during which a wind of a given strength has.been blowing .
7 ‘ With a glut of farming properties on the market in parts of south west England at drastically reduced prices , now is the time for them to buy , ’ Dai Jenkin says .
8 She is inferring that when mortals feel secure , and sound in their knowledge of others , then that is the time for them to be unsure of most , because if anything is going to happen , it will happen then .
9 You have got to know when to quit and now is the time for me .
10 If Mr Major really wishes to ditch the more arrogant whims of his predecessor , now is the time for him to put his money where his mouth is .
11 Well now is the time for everyone to be aware of it .
12 ‘ But now is the time for everyone with the club at heart to rally round .
13 But now is the time for everyone to roll up their sleeves . ’
14 The smaller the change the longer is the time for which the two solutions remain close , but they never do so indefinitely .
15 November is the time for our big Rally at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre ; this year it will be on Saturday the 24th .
16 That is the time for there to be nothing wrong with our drawings .
17 Now is the time for us all to inform ourselves about the problem to make sure that we all have a part in the making of that decision ’ .
18 ‘ Perhaps now is the time for us , as Christians , to reflect on our contribution to this non-communication .
19 " I do n't believe that this is the time for us to profit from each other 's misery so I hereby cancel all sales of food which have taken place this afternoon .
20 Now is the time for someone to make a movie and show how music and the summer of love has affected everything .
21 ‘ Come , lad , now is the time for you to make up your mind .
22 on a lot of systems , really now is the time for you to try and go and buy a new system , because you can knock them down immensely really good bargains the basic
23 I know that this is the time with your sex to watch over the changes of their temper .
24 This is the time at which children learn most about the standards of behaviour in our society .
25 This is the time at which the Caesarian operation should be performed .
26 This is the time at which hormonal changes halt the production of ova and end the menstrual cycle .
27 That is , if ( for the purposes of semantic or pragmatic interpretation ) we think of deictic expressions as anchored to specific points in the communicative event , then the unmarked anchorage points , constituting the deictic centre , are typically assumed to be as follows : ( i ) the central person is the speaker , ( ii ) the central time is the time at which the speaker produces the utterance , ( iii ) the central place is the speaker 's location at utterance time or CT , ( iv ) the discourse centre is the point which the speaker is currently at in the production of his utterance , and ( v ) the social centre is the speaker 's social status and rank , to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative .
28 The longer term help is something that I do n't think teachers can do on their own , I do n't think even somebody like a , a specialist school counsellor can do on their own , which is the time at which the availability of agency help needs to be , become apparent .
29 And so you get these , these somewhat stupefied er or one over the eight wasps rolling around , er and er you know , not , not being terribly active , but that , that is the time at which of course people do tend to tread on them or pick them up and get stung .
30 However , the monopoly granted extends back to the priority date , which is the time from which damages can be assessed should the patent be infringed , although legal proceedings can not be commenced until the patent has been granted .
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