Example sentences of "be only [adv] begin [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Receiving for me always contained a degree of embarrassment that I am only now beginning to come to terms with .
2 We are only just beginning to realize from research just how much this is so .
3 Even though Plato wrote these words over two thousand years ago , we in the modern western world are only just beginning to resonate in harmony with his tune of truth .
4 Intensive indoor rearing of livestock is relatively new and people are only just beginning to realise what it means for the animals .
5 One of the problems is at this very stage that the act is so new off the statute book that authorities , at the moment , under all the other pressures they 're having to meet , are only just beginning to put together their new policies .
6 It is a highly political issue with international ramifications which we are only just beginning to tackle and which will increasingly burden the agendas of the European Community 's new environmental agency .
7 We are only just beginning to plan these new general SVQs .
8 We are only just beginning to see the first stirrings of a new debate on industry 's competitiveness .
9 Secondly , social scientists are only just beginning to develop procedures for evaluating the economic costs and benefits of innovative work design ; and , thirdly , little is known about the conditions under which these innovative job designs persist across time and diffuse across companies and countries .
10 We are only just beginning to recognize that if we take this attitude , we are denying to arts and letters , and to the criticism of them , any bearing at all on public life — including , for instance , public education .
11 These comments may seem to apply only to the large international manufacturing corporation , but nowadays there is no business so small that it is immune to the effects of international competition , and many service businesses are only just beginning to feel these effects .
12 A decade later we are only just beginning to find ways of alleviating some experiences related to such stress ( Pound and Mills , 1985 ) and seriously addressing the role of social support as a protection from depression ( Koziarski et al . ,
13 ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite , ’ he said .
14 He added : ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite .
15 Many of the factories started in the late 1980s are only just beginning to produce .
16 Work organizations are only now beginning to appreciate the need for tension release , for creating regular opportunities to ‘ let it all out ’ at seminars , dinners , training courses , rituals , ceremonies , etc .
17 The police are only now beginning to crack down on this type of smuggling .
18 The emotional trauma of divorce is well known , but the financial complexities are only now beginning to hit home .
19 On a broader front , even the popular movements are only now beginning to raise issues connected with gender and women 's rights despite the long-standing existence of women 's groups which have campaigned on a variety of anti-apartheid issues .
20 This is an issue which Western Governments and unions are only really beginning to grapple with in the context of the Single European market , and for many that is where the debate will stay for some time .
21 And we 're only just beginning to realise that .
22 ‘ We 're only just beginning to open the door ’ Matthews said .
23 So it looks as if er nature has kind of erm struck a bargain in this respect , that each parent can contribute exactly half , but I think it 's , we 're only just beginning to find out about what happens then and my guess is about internal conflict between genes because I strongly suspect that there must be a lot of that going on because , as I think you 've rightly seen , if we take this view of evolution as selecting for individual genes , then we would expect conflict even within the gender .
24 There is a rich erm , history of women in Scotland and we 're only just beginning to discover that and publish that , and I think that we will establish traditions by doing that .
25 We 're only just beginning to think about it . ’
26 The wounds Giles had inflicted were only just beginning to heal .
27 The standpoint of Coburn 's story was an extrapolation of machine intelligence , written at a time when computers were only just beginning to encroach into the commercial environment of Britain .
28 " We were only just beginning to listen to Bach " , said one Iranian businessman .
29 The word pirate was perhaps not so strong a term of condemnation as in later centuries : European rulers were only just beginning to acquire for themselves , on behalf of their states , a monopoly of the use of force .
30 All the women in the conference planning group had so far been white , and we were only just beginning to respond to Black women 's demands that we examine our racism , and tackle it .
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