Example sentences of "can not be answered " in BNC.

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1 The question whether the children are delinquent because they are smacked , or the reverse , can not be answered , the Newsons add .
2 It is a question that can not be answered .
3 The problem is that the second question can not be answered until Washington comes up with a consensus on the first .
4 These questions can not be answered definitively .
5 He says he agrees with Mr Tebbit that many of the evil deeds of recent years which have seen child murders and terrorism of a particularly disgusting type , can not be answered by ‘ mere questions of policing , penal treatment or sentencing policy and can not either be justified or explained by talking of urban deprivation and unemployment . ’
6 Ask for details of sensations , where they are situated , where they move to , how they start and change , find out what the pattern is but take care to use open ended questions whenever possible ; questions that can not be answered by a simple ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , such as ‘ How does your head feel ? ’ instead of ‘ Do you have a headache ? ’
7 The questions can not be answered .
8 If the recording system changes from time to time these questions can not be answered because even slightly different recording systems can be measuring completely different behaviours .
9 It may be said at once that these questions can not be answered with complete certainty .
10 There will be great debate surrounding the engine and many questions will be raised that can not be answered except in terms of likelihood .
11 In a recent paper , Stroud argues that Quine can be forced to acknowledge questions which can not be answered by his naturalized epistemology ( Stroud 1981 ) .
12 Such questions can not be answered without many more secondary studies .
13 The question can not be answered , therefore , by totting up the number of a lawyer 's victories , for in most cases there are no clear winners and losers .
14 The truth seems to be that this question itself can not be answered in a way which is neutral between different positions in meta-ethics and ethics and is hardly worth discussing in the abstract .
15 Whether these entry positions can , in turn , be levered into positions of more than a new dependency on the technological leaders is an open question and one that can not be answered in the general case .
16 A third question — what impact is the new law having on economic change ? — can not be answered satisfactorily at this early stage .
17 Such questions seem both searching and naive , searching because they open up a Pandora 's box of issues about the nature and structure of knowledge , naive because they are not usually asked , and doubtless can not be answered , in quite such a simple way .
18 The answer fails to distinguish between being , on the one hand , uninformed and , on the other hand , aware of enough knowledge to conclude that the question can not be answered .
19 We regret that letters can not be answered personally .
20 The substantive limits which the courts ought to be imposing on the exercise of discretion is a complex question which can not be answered merely by dwelling upon individual cases .
21 ‘ Are the same pupils regularly absent ? ’ is the first obvious question that can not be answered by examining attendance rates .
22 This question can not be answered without knowing just what it is that a manager does .
23 But it would prevent the press from publishing calumnies which can not be answered , as in the Beck case , sometimes until weeks or even months after the allegation is made in the public arena of a court .
24 ‘ ( a ) no evidence shall be admissible in any proceedings before a judicial authority exercising its jurisdiction or functions in Great Britain to prove that any such person has committed … any offence which was the subject of a spent conviction ; and ’ ( b ) a person shall not , in any such proceedings , be asked , and , if asked , shall not be required to answer , any question relating to his past that can not be answered without acknowledging or referring to a spent conviction or spent convictions or any circumstances thereto ; … ’
25 On Aug. 17 Ayatollah Moussavi-Ardebli told a Friday prayer meeting that " Saddam 's occupation [ of Kuwait ] … can not be answered by another act of aggression " .
26 These types of questions can not be answered easily by looking at a conventional map .
27 The major question , which can not be answered until treatment has been attempted , is whether success would only result in preserving what function remains or whether the epithelial cells could reconstitute and resore function to damaged areas of the lung and gut .
28 The question in the last sentence can not be answered , of course ; it is imponderable and we can go no further with it than to agree that it is useful to expose such uncertainties now and then .
29 So the question , whether or not there 's there is a clear expression to my , to my mind can not be answered .
30 We regret letters can not be answered personally .
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