Example sentences of "can [be] attributed to " in BNC.

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1 There is far less of the mystification which can be attributed to the account of the troubles in Guerrillas : what we get is the mysterious politics of forest and township as observed by an outsider , by an African Asian who understands a good deal of what is going on .
2 Much of the frantic activity in the share register can be attributed to the arbitrageurs rather than the titans of the motor industry .
3 The Japanese launch was a success , although it is open to question how much of the success can be attributed to innovative marketing and how much to the technical qualities of the product .
4 A significant , though not decisive , part of the low return to aid projects in Africa can be attributed to corruption in the award of contracts .
5 Much of his extraordinary combination of speed and stamina can be attributed to his physique .
6 Third , debasement of early medieval coinage in western Europe and the eventual replacement of gold by silver can be attributed to the cessation of the flow of gold bullion from east to west with the abandonment of gold subsidies paid by the Byzantine empire to the barbarians in the west .
7 The reaction to Richardson can be attributed to three factors — a rumour that supposed friction between him and Jamaica 's Jeffrey Dujon led to Dujon 's omission from the World Cup ; another rumour that Richardson passed some remark about Jamaicans after the Dujon affair ; and that Richardson described the historic World Cup encounter with South Africa as ‘ just another cricket match ’ .
8 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
9 Much of its strength can be attributed to the vigorous support of the church , which has always placed the family at the centre of Christian living .
10 Some of these can be attributed to the subject matter for study itself ( ‘ the objects of study are so utterly different that they require fundamentally different methods and forms of explanation and understanding ’ Benton 1977 : 12 ) .
11 Who knows how many quarrels , false accusations , unnecessary dismissals , how many promising careers cut short can be attributed to a butler 's slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan ?
12 Not all of the losses of moor and rough grassland can be attributed to agricultural change .
13 The fact that the selection of a style became such a contentious issue can be attributed to his sustained advocacy of Gothic .
14 The euro-dollar market 's origin and development can be attributed to the following interrelated economic , financial and political factors .
15 The increased use of project financing in the last twenty years can be attributed to two factors — increased capital investment needs and economic risks .
16 It is considered , therefore , that the excess of isolated incisors is real and can be attributed to preferential destruction of upper and lower jaws .
17 The greater incidence of digestion on maxillary incisors can be attributed to the greater breakage of the maxillae .
18 The Symon Unconformity has been picked at the base of a thin coal sequence which might correspond to the Phillipsii Chronozone of the upper Westphalian C. Thus a limited gas potential can be attributed to the base of the Barren Measures sequence .
19 Here the amount of uplift computed from the reflectance values may include a considerable fraction which can be attributed to removal of Carboniferous overburden in Hercynian times .
20 Since the relative concentration of hydrocarbons remains relatively constant over this maturity range , the increased wetness of the Tertiary gases can be attributed to higher C&sub4+ ; concentrations .
21 Indeed , about 50 per cent of the variation from person to person in mental activities can be attributed to variations in the strength of a single attribute , which , because of the great diversity of its expression , is called g , for general intelligence .
22 It is at this stage , with a primary definition of ‘ goodness ’ established , that the relationship between ‘ goodness ’ and the concept of the Created God can now be considered , so that the full contribution to the definition of that God which can be attributed to the Second Period , can be evaluated .
23 Most of these acts can be attributed to the emotion of compassion , referred to earlier in this book as probably being one of the earliest of human emotions to emerge from the dawning of civilisation .
24 In this period of the last decades of the twentieth century there is much evidence of a decline in the standards of human behaviour , and this , unquestionably , can be attributed to faltering human consciences .
25 Whether such a ferret fatality can be attributed to it remaining unmated is highly debatable .
26 Lucinda believes that much of her success when riding cross country can be attributed to walking the course correctly , and throughout the video she leads the viewer from the start to the finish of a cross country course .
27 ‘ Probably the relatively low level of heavy commitment in the case of mortgages ’ , stated the Office of Fair Trading report Overindebtedness ( July 1989 ) , ‘ can be attributed to the detailed investigation into incomes and other circumstances which usually precedes the granting of a mortgage . ’
28 Not a small part of this success can be attributed to our growing team of new writers .
29 Much of the growth achieved in the UK over the past year can be attributed to the consultancy division , but worldwide , Andersen Consulting 's growth has slowed .
30 It would appear that this closure and the consequent employment effects can be attributed to the government 's failure to sanction the deal with Leyland Vehicles earlier in the year , as a result of the political pressure imposed .
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