Example sentences of "has be criticized for " in BNC.

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1 One anthropologist who studied an even more elaborately created system of autonomy than the Zuwaya 's has been criticized for ignoring routine and frequent contact between autonomous leaders and state governments : so it is academically important to probe into the actual relations of Zuwaya and Magharba with the Turkish authorities .
2 The government has been criticized for not making enough effort during the period of high copper prices to diversify Zambia 's economic base , and especially to encourage agricultural development .
3 For example , it has been criticized for being unable to deal with problems of unemployment , which continued to rise throughout the 1980s .
4 The study has been criticized for incompleteness of data , but it was a major step forward , and the results obtained were so positive that further research was stimulated .
5 Clarity , which anticipated becoming that magical $100m company , has been criticized for putting in a $100m company 's infrastructure complete with six vice presidents long before it could financially justify it .
6 Cixous has been criticized for lacking a politics and a theory of the social .
7 The Vienna Sales Convention has been criticized for not dealing with the passing of property or with priority conflicts between the seller/buyer and a third party .
8 Thus the Vienna Sales Convention has been criticized for excluding questions relating to the validity of the contract of sale , the transfer of property , or the resolution of property disputes between the seller or buyer and a third party .
9 However , the Board has been criticized for over-concentration on economic development at the expense of social development ( Carter 1974 ) .
10 Snell has been criticized for causing a decline in handwriting by promoting his dull copperplate style , but his practice and teaching of a simpler and standardized mode of handwriting most effectively met the needs of clerks in the growing number of commercial houses .
11 The analysis described above has been criticized for treating debt and taxation asymmetrically .
12 ‘ Scientific management 's ’ mechanistic and materialistic model of the individual has been criticized for taking no account of other motives for work and , by implication , the diverse interests of which people might be conscious as members of groups and wish to protect and advance through group action .
13 The theory of the new international division of labour has been criticized for its uncompromising condemnation of TNC operations in the Third World , on the grounds that there is not very much that is new about it and that it relies on an empirical base that is far too limited ( see , for example , Cohen , 1987 , ch.7 ; Jenkins , 1984 ; Gordon , 1988 ) .
14 German Greenpeace , the second-largest branch of of Greenpeace International , has been criticized for spending only a third of donations on campaigns and putting much of the rest aside .
15 The patchwork quilt of powers and relationships stipulated by the Constitution has been criticized for being neither useful nor relevant in the political environment of the 1970s and 1980s .
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