Example sentences of "be attributed to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most goldfish keepers would agree that most , if not all of their problems of fish losses and loss of condition can be attributed to poor water quality .
2 Although some of this variation may be attributed to inherent reliability problems in the computation method or original poor data quality , other geological factors probably account for the greater part of the observed variation .
3 Climate and economics need to be included because these factors may well determine features which at first sight might be attributed to ethnic or cultural factors .
4 Studies of rural migration have largely neglected these factors although Dunn ( 1979 ) has shown that a substantial amount of short-distance movement in rural areas can be attributed to changing housing needs .
5 One part of this myopia can doubtless be attributed to simple electoral panic .
6 Part of the extraordinary success of this book may be attributed to skilful marketing — of part-issues between 1859 and 1861 , the illustrated edition in 1861 , and the cheap reissues begun by Samuel Beeton and continued by Ward , Lock , & Tyler , to whom he sold his titles after Isabella 's death .
7 Where research studies have been carried out in different parts of the country it is difficult to disentangle anything which might be attributed to regional variations specifically , from other systematic variations by gender , class , ethnicity or variations over time ( that is where changes in patterns of family relationships have occurred between the 1960s and the 1980s ) .
8 It was one thing to offer hospitality , quite another to extend the boundaries of tolerant understanding to dark moods and sudden rages , even when these could be attributed to horrific experiences in earlier childhood .
9 If one manages to find the simplest method at the first attempt that can mostly be attributed to good luck .
10 The effect of the drugs on their length of life was very difficult to judge , and small differences could be attributed to many incidental causes , such as differences in smoking , dietary habits , the amount of exercise they took , or to changes in all these habits over the years .
11 For Ullman is concerned with types of perceptual process that can plausibly be attributed to many animal species .
12 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
13 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
14 The costing of functions is done by estimating the proportion of the part cost that can notionally be attributed to each function to which it contributes .
15 The costing of functions is done by estimating the proportion of the part cost that can notionally be attributed to each function to which it contributes .
16 Though some of the deaths may be attributed to associated severe injuries , a delay in diagnosis contributes to the high mortality .
17 It is considered , therefore , that the excess of isolated incisors is real and can be attributed to preferential destruction of upper and lower jaws .
18 Since the relative concentration of hydrocarbons remains relatively constant over this maturity range , the increased wetness of the Tertiary gases can be attributed to higher C&sub4+ ; concentrations .
19 The degree of " humanity " to be attributed to professional colleagues is closely linked to the " taste and tact " exhibited in their scholarship .
20 This sad state of affairs may be attributed to feckless parents or to a society which projects its standards and values in such an ambivalent way .
21 The increased use of project financing in the last twenty years can be attributed to two factors — increased capital investment needs and economic risks .
22 The reversal of fortunes can be attributed to two factors .
23 This major social and economic change can be attributed to two main causes .
24 The enthalpy change that occurs can be attributed to two factors .
25 Writing of Andrewes ' public life he concludes , ‘ It is a cause of thanksgiving that Andrewes can be convicted of weakness rather than malice , but it is sad that either alternative should have to be attributed to such a man . ’
26 Many local authorities , however , do not pay bureaux managers at this rate and although the shortfall will always be attributed to budgetary constraints , there may also be a lack of awareness of what the position entails .
27 Tivoli 's boss , ex-IBMer Frank Moss , believes that in many organisations up to 40% of the cost of owning Unix kit can be attributed to managing systems that are distributed across networks .
28 Tivoli 's boss , ex-IBMer Frank Moss , believes that in many organisations up to 40% of the cost of owning Unix kit can be attributed to managing systems that are distributed across networks .
29 Other day-to-day situations that may not be attributed to visual difficulties include the extended time the children may need to complete tasks , their need to come close to the blackboard or to demonstrations , and their apparent clumsiness in certain practical activities and sports such as ball games .
30 The Japanese launch was a success , although it is open to question how much of the success can be attributed to innovative marketing and how much to the technical qualities of the product .
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