Example sentences of "power of [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 It does seem today , as Mill once said , ‘ protection is needed against the tyranny of prevailing opinion … the tendency of society to impose its own ideas and practices ’ and by ‘ an increasing inclination to stretch unduly the powers of society over the individual by the force of opinion and even by that of legislation ’ .
2 Rejected moves to make the European Parliament the principal legislative body of the EC , and transform the Council of Ministers into a consultative body with no powers of veto over the parliament .
3 So extensive became the control of the catholic sector , both primary and secondary , that priests had extensive powers of dismissal over the teachers until the end of the nineteenth century .
4 Do the workers have any erm powers of negotiation over the price paid and what they 're going to be paid .
5 It is through the implementation of this agreed machinery that disciplinary tribunals and the Inns themselves , with the consent of the Lord Chief Justice , are now able to exercise extended powers of control over the professional conduct of barristers , with a wider range of penalties , but subject always , in the case of decisions by tribunals , to a right of appeal to the visitors : see Disciplinary Tribunal Regulations 1990 , regulations 22 and 30 .
6 Henry VII instigated changes which included reducing the power of nobility over the countryside and extending the duties of the Justices of the Peace .
7 But the royal power of veto over the legislation of the colonial assemblies was still active at a time when it was dying out in Britain , and it could be exercised either by governors on the spot or by the government in London .
8 The composition of the Supreme Soviet would follow closely the proposals set out in the draft Union Treaty [ see pp. 38348-49 ] , whose planned signature on Aug. 20 by five republics had been pre-empted by the coup : the Soviet of the Union would consist of deputies from union republics , elected according to existing quotas , subject to the consent of republican governments ; the Soviet ( Council ) of the Republics would be the upper chamber , dealing with the organization of union bodies and foreign links , with power of veto over the Soviet of the Union , whose responsibilities would involve the rights and freedoms of citizens .
9 Suggestions in the bill for an independent panel of experts to be given the power of veto over the research were rejected .
10 In the first place , it involves some actual power of control over the thing possessed .
11 The chamber refused to give magistrates power of arrest over the five , however .
12 This case , in effect , turns on whether the family proceedings court can keep the power of review over a care order by making directions in relation to the care order .
13 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
14 In Kenmare v IRC [ 1958 ] AC 267 , it was held that a power of appointment over the entire trust fund was a power to revoke or otherwise determine the settlement .
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