Example sentences of "might also be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The transliteration of the original with qwt , in line 3 , reasonably accurately represents the first letter ( which might also be represented as a figure nine if nine has a straight back stroke ) .
2 We studied only newly diagnosed cases of cervical abnormality because the persistence or recurrence of cervical neoplasia might also be affected by the factors under study .
3 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
4 The Child Poverty Action Group might also be seen as an expert and appropriate group to raise social security matters , having been for many years active in campaigning on such matters .
5 Although this could in theory apply to any subject ( history , for example , may , in certain circumstances be taught with strong classification and framing , or with weak classification and framing ) , it might also be seen as one of the central features of the arts/science divide .
6 The strong British element in some of the metalwork from Sutton Hoo might also be seen in this light .
7 Thus power in modern capitalism might be more fractionated and pluralist than in the past — it might also be based on non-class political divisions — but in practice the use that was made of the state and its scope of manoeuvre would be conditional on whether it threatened capitalism as a system .
8 A staging system for established cancer might also be based on genetic mutations .
9 In such a situation , the participants may , in fact , ‘ speak topically ’ , but they might also be said to be speaking on a topic .
10 In this case the " no " decision is not a positive rejection of the proposal but an inadequacy of temptation which might also be regarded as a lack of enterprise .
11 A total ban might also be opposed as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy .
12 In the subgroup of patients who are treated with two injections daily , adequate gall bladder concentration might also be achieved after dinner .
13 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
14 E. A. Freeman 's description of Dalmatia as ‘ a Slavonic land with an Italian fringe ’ refers to the cultural geography of the Adriatic coastlands , but it might also be applied to the physical geography ( as ‘ a Dinaric land with a Mediterranean fringe ’ ) .
15 The same objections might also be applied to models which suggest a role for government policy arising out of asymmetries of information between groups in the private sector .
16 Consideration might also be given to a country 's membership and relations with international agencies such as the IMF or World Bank .
17 Such notice might also be given in an originating application under s 17 of the Married Women 's Property Act 1882 .
18 In Sections 3.3 and 17.8 , we saw that the vortex street frequency has ranges of decreased regularity ; although these changes can be related to developments in the flow , there are tentative suggestions that they might also be viewed in the present context .
19 Other equally valid fits might also be obtained by allowing the 18-day decay to depart from a pure exponential ; it would then be possible , for example , to obtain a solution in which the two asymptotic increases account for the whole of the increase in rotation rate .
20 If time permitted , separate releases might also be written on the firms which had already agreed to go to Tadchester .
21 Stones would enclose the fire , and the meat might also be cached under stones .
22 There were some minor foreign royals who had attended the Christmas celebrations in the palace who might also be prevailed upon to come — they would provide a little exotic colour .
23 He might also be likened to Montgomery , in that he judged this ‘ definitive effort ’ could not take place until there was certainty of success ; until the attacking force had three-to-one superiority .
24 Phonological information of a slightly different kind might also be lost in the sense that the average score assigned to a speaker may reflect either consistent use of a median value or more variable use of extreme values ; the phonetic locus of variation may actually be concealed by a single score on a linear scale .
25 A contrast might also be made with section 5 , which penalises ‘ display ’ only .
26 Special mention might also be made of another much more recent source particularly concerned with Molla Fenari , namely the comprehensive biography by the historian of Amasya , Huseyin Husameddin .
27 … I further agree … that the rectification might also be made under clauses ( a ) and ( g ) of subsection ( 1 ) .
28 Planning might be done exclusively by managers who will later be responsible for performance : however , advice on planning decisions might also be provided by ‘ staff management ’ who do not have ‘ line ’ authority for putting the plans into practice .
29 Such reports might also be used by customers to assess the financial viability of establishing a presence abroad through a foreign subsidiary or joint venture .
30 Evidence might also be brought of the amount of time spent performing the function , the consequences of it not being performed by the job-holder , the relevant terms of any collective agreements , the work experience of past holders of the position , and the current work experience of co-workers in similar jobs .
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