Example sentences of "down [prep] [art] small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Powerful amplifiers can be turned down for a small hall , but a weak amplifier has no potential for increased volume before it starts distorting the sound .
2 Like John , Alan Wardle was knocked down as a small child .
3 The Doctor followed the narrow road down through a small valley , before climbing back up towards a bare hilltop where he could make out a number of tiny wooden crosses , like a forest of lifeless bonsai trees .
4 When they crested a wooded hill shortly before sunset and saw cultivated fields stretching down towards a small village in the distance it took all her will-power not to beg that they stop there for the night .
5 I thought the fellow meant the bailey but he took us out into a garden which ran down towards a small river .
6 The way we had taken was winding down towards a small lock or tarn .
7 She forced herself to eat some more dry biscuits and chocolate , washing them down with a small amount of water .
8 We slipped down into a small crater .
9 There are three windows on the side of the house , which look down onto a small courtyard .
10 Doris stopped us in the hall when we came in , loaded down under a small tree and a carrier-bag full of bits and pieces we 'd seen and liked , and , inevitably in our mood of reckless gaiety , bought .
11 Quickly , I pulled her off the road and down under a small bridge .
12 Looking down from a small window in the lodge house , the factor Robert Menzies was terrified to see the throngs of people , like herds of cattle milling at a tryst .
13 We came down in a small clearing and ended up in the trees .
14 Christina sat down in the small desk chair , her legs unsteady .
15 Toby had reappeared with the tray , and set it down on a small marble table , before Jackson was aware of his presence .
16 He picked her up and sat down on a small settee , keeping his arm round her .
17 Benjamin sat down on a small bench near the pool and watched the silver , darting carp who swam in dashes of light amongst the water grass and luxuriant lily pads .
18 He put the milk bottles down on a small table in the hall , where they were to remain until Ianthe left , and as far as she knew , for ever after .
19 Lee waited until the girl had placed the tray down on a small side table and backed silently from the room .
20 He sat down on a small bedside chair , leaving Culley and Dawson no other option than to sit on the bed , which they did , side by side , like travellers on a train .
21 As compensation for Polly 's keeping the house , Preston had received the sum of twenty thousand pounds to put down on a small flat .
22 Ajayi sat down on the small stool on the other side of the table .
23 Evans 's heavy hand smacked down on the small man 's shoulder .
24 " Well , " Graham said awkwardly as Sara sat down on the small bed , " that 's us told . "
25 Corbett groaned and went up to his chamber , throwing himself down on the small cot and reflecting on what he had learnt .
26 Her mother handed her a glass of white wine , so generously filled that Kate was obliged to take a long sip before it was safe to put it down on the small table by the side of the chair .
27 She put the envelope down on the small table that served double duty as desk and dining surface , eased off her shoes , and stepped out of the cotton dress that felt as if it were struck to her damp skin .
28 Here no conversion had been done to the wretched little room , once a scullery , with two steps down to a small yard stacked high with rubbish .
29 However , setting this aside and taking parent-authorisation at face value , the high percentage of absent pupils came down to a small percentage perceived to be casual or persistent truants .
30 The high percentage of absent pupils came down to a small percentage of unauthorised absentees as the diagram shows .
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