Example sentences of "even when it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The need for proof is essential because many organisations fail to recognise bullying , even when it is causing serious disruption within their workforce .
2 This approach has considerable intuitive appeal when it is applied to the markets for apples or second-hand cars , and even when it is applied to individual labour markets .
3 However , words need not always have a consistent meaning attributed to them : the context may show that the same word bears two different senses even when it is repeated in the same section .
4 It relatively seldom results in marital breakdown nowadays , even when it is discovered by the partner ; and even the temporary trauma induced by the discovery seems to be less that it was once ( there is no real proof of this , nor in the other direction — I base the comment mainly on people 's expressed attitudes ) .
5 What we mean by this is whether a syntactic analysis is carried out even when it is rendered unnecessary for sentence comprehension by the presence of semantic or pragmatic factors .
6 There is a clear distinction here which is not always understood and sometimes even when it is understood it is deliberately ignored by professionals who explicitly claim ownership as a necessary part of practice .
7 ‘ It is a drug used in medicine since 1935 and its serious side-effects are rare even when it is prescribed at high concentrations for long periods .
8 One escapes the old analogy only by submitting to another ; the role of logic , even when it is suspected that there is something wrong at the foundations of the argument , is confined to applying and criticizing concepts thrown up by the spontaneous process of analogizing .
9 Even when it is hidden from view , we know it is there , securing the plane on which we act our lives .
10 Moreover , even when it is detected , it is often not formally and legally dealt with ( the middle class bias in criminal statistics will be discussed in more detail in Chapter Four ) .
11 But this does not explain the state 's overall function , ; for even when it is controlled by officials drawn from other classes , it continues to serve the political interest of the hegemonic fraction .
12 It has even been held that presence remains no more than evidence of encouragement even when it is accompanied by a secret intention to help if necessary one of the participants in an affray .
13 No matter what the advertisements say to the contrary , garlic is always perceptible on the breath , even when it is taken in capsule form .
14 Not a massive workload , even when it is remembered that consultation time and documentation time were not included in the data .
15 I suddenly discovered what patriotism is and how powerful it can be , even when it is buried very deep inside .
16 It 's unlikely the Americans will release the cause of the crash even when it is known .
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