Example sentences of "which have hitherto [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If Eisenman is correct — and the evidence weighs heavily in his favour — then the confusion which has hitherto obtained is effectively dispelled .
2 This places his discourse firmly in the domain of public cultural policy and returns us directly to the concerns of the Newbolt Committee , indeed to one of its major areas of anxiety : " Whether the class.consciousness which has hitherto formed the chief force of [ linguistic ] stability in Great Britain , will continue to influence the masses , has yet to be seen . "
3 More importantly , we shall also consider some of the most recent approaches that psychologists have adopted in their attempts to bridge the gap which has hitherto existed between psychological theory and educational practice .
4 The Committee of London & Scottish Bankers ( CLSB ) has been merged with with the British Banker 's Association ( BBA ) ( which has hitherto existed side by side with the CLSB ) .
5 Observers have described the move as a significant change of direction for the agency , a government body , which has hitherto emphasized the economics of catching whales and played down the benefits of active conservation .
6 Last week , the Estonian Parliament compromised on both fronts — but only at the price of jeopardising the alliance between nationalists and the republic 's Communist Party which has hitherto allowed Estonia so nimbly to sidestep a decisive confrontation with Moscow .
7 In People v. Rosario ( 1961 ) 213 N.Y.S. 2d 448 four members of the Court of Appeals of New York , adopting the view of the United States Supreme Court in Jencks v. United States ( 1957 ) 353 U.S. 657 , ruled that the entire previous statements of prosecution witnesses ought to be shown to defence counsel after the direct examination with a view to his cross-examining those witnesses and attacking their credibility , saying that counsel were best able to decide what use could be made of the statements , whereas three members of the court took a narrower view and , following the line of authority which had hitherto prevailed in New York , held that defence counsel could examine and use only those portions of a statement which , according to the view of the trial judge , contained variances from a witness 's evidence .
8 In 1866 an alliance between the Bakufu 's two leading opponents , Satsuma and Chó0shó0 , was signed , ending disagreements which had hitherto prevented concerted action , and depriving the Bakufu of Satsuma support for a military expedition mounted to chastise the more radical Choshú0 for its insubordination .
9 Here is Egisto conversing with his servants in the second scene : There is some realism in the handling of the fair-scene : the impatient cries of the chorus , ‘ Alla fiera , alla fiera ’ , and the soloists selling combs and mirrors , cups and vases , straw hats The gentry sing their arie and duets , sometimes over ostinato basses , but the expansion of the purely musical and scenic elements at the expense of the dramatic , the recitative , which had hitherto characterized Roman opera , was not merely halted but reversed .
10 It was the first contact between the LDP and the North Korean government , and marked a significant shift in policy by the latter communist regime , which had hitherto rejected overtures from the Japanese government on the grounds that it had diplomatic relations with South Korea .
11 The Times , which had hitherto kept a dignified silence on such a distasteful subject , pronounced itself well-pleased with the modified outcome .
12 Free trade , it was argued , would at last give effect to the natural harmony which should exist between peoples and end the artificial and destructive tradition of political and dynastic division which had hitherto kept them apart .
13 Despite the growing magnitude of the budget deficit , the Bush administration ( which had hitherto opposed tax cuts except on capital gains tax ) declared on Oct. 23 that stimulative middle-income tax-cuts were " under consideration " .
14 Moreover it is true that in one or two specific minor ways the express tried positively to limit serfdom — by ordering in 1781 that war prisoners were in future to become free men if they were converted to Orthodoxy ; and by reducing the possibilities which had hitherto existed of enserfment by marriage .
15 By massing overwhelming artillery strength on a short front , and replacing prolonged duration of fire ( which had hitherto given ample warning of attack to the defenders ) by the number of guns employed , he hoped so to disrupt French trench lines that , when the bombardment ceased ; a relatively small German force could advance with little loss .
16 The very use of the term ‘ state ’ immediately suggests a broader focus than the often narrow concentration on the institutions and personnel of local government which had hitherto informed local political research .
17 This deal was subsequently accepted in the other regions , which had hitherto failed to reach settlements .
18 America and Europe smoothed over the argument which had hitherto stalled progress .
19 For any moment of weakness in the fortunes of a great house — the minority of William the Conqueror , the early years of Fulk le Réchin — provided the perfect opportunity for castellans to establish their hereditary rights , or to exercise for their own benefit prerogatives which had hitherto brought profit to the princes .
20 In 1981 the executive committee directed that the BDN , which had hitherto performed the dual role of addressing the hearing public on behalf of deaf people at the same time as serving deaf readers , should in future primarily be a paper for BDA members and the deaf community as a whole .
21 Publications of this sort broke sharply with the anonymity and complete immunity from public scrutiny which had hitherto marked foreign offices , and were therefore at first greeted in them with doubt or hostility .
22 The Panel argued that private enterprise , which had hitherto provided 95 per cent of working-class housing , could not be relied upon to meet this task after the war .
23 On Jan. 17 Farah Aydid seized control of the city 's port from the Achamou , a militia set up by Mahdi Mohammed in August 1991 which had hitherto held aloof from the clan fighting .
24 This went further than previous decisions , which had hitherto required some independent illegality in the conduct of the person whose conduct was called in question .
25 It followed from this that real international peace could be attained only through far-reaching political reform within the European States and the weakening or destruction of the monarchical , aristocratic and military influences which had hitherto dominated them .
26 His pen-and-ink drawings provided Minton with unrelieved amusement , as Lyttelton has recalled : Humphrey Lyttelton 's presence at Camberwell helped make it a centre for the beginnings of ‘ trad ’ , a jazz revival which replaced ‘ the polite and effete noise which had hitherto passed for genuine jazz ’ with a new vitality and energy .
27 But as a case for a ‘ radical extension ’ of industrial democracy by means requiring the assumption by unreformed trade unions of rights which had hitherto attached only to ownership , it merits at this point no more than a suspended judgment at best .
28 It is you , having shut the door on your fears which have hitherto ruled your life , who can open a new door .
29 This restrained aloofness has had its drawbacks : it has given the bellicose idealists of the Left freedom to ride roughshod with impunity over institutions which have hitherto maintained our nation as civilised and admirable .
30 Thus , as Statement E argues , under certain conditions white workers or residents may get together to freeze out black immigrants because their presence is felt to depress wages or house prices , or to threaten allocation policies which have hitherto made certain jobs or housing the preserve of the indigenous population .
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