Example sentences of "[vb mod] be said to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 However , he has joined the fire service , and is called out most nights , so he too must be said to be doing his bit .
2 One person on his own could not constitute a procession , but if a person were to march on his own , having publicised the fact widely in advance , it would seem that he might be said to be organising a procession if , Pied Piper like , he were to draw a crowd of supporters and followers .
3 Although both could be said to be reacting against the ossification of Stalinism , the subjectivist and ultra-objectivist paths that they followed were antithetical .
4 The indigenous people avoid these fish during the tree 's fruiting season and , if other fish predators do the same , the tree could be said to be operating a Securicor system for its offspring .
5 Whereas Hitchcock 's last British film , the pre-war Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) , could be said to be dealing with a similar area of subject matter to , say , Hatter 's Castle ( 1941 ) , the emotional level struck by the latter is a world away from the former .
6 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
7 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
8 Although some of this work may be informed by certain theoretical readings — Irigaray , Cixous , Kristeva , Judith Butler , or some of the work by Italian feminists on the mother-daughter relationship — there is a real sense in which these artists could be said to be producing theory visually .
9 this suggests a recognition that cultural production is itself a form of knowledge or , as Hilary Robinson has put it in a recent issue of WAM ( No49 ) in discussing women 's body art , that artists could be said to be producing theory visually ’ .
10 Only Geoffrey , tugging at his hair , sniffing , thumping the tablecloth , could be said to be concentrating on the person beside him .
11 In other words , the speaker of [ 14 ] could be said to be optimising relevance over the whole text .
12 In this way Foucault could be said to be returning to Marx in removing the subject from the centre of history , were it not for the fact that he dispenses with the consolations of Marx 's historicism also .
13 They may be said to be exercising an administrative function .
14 There are those today who may be said to be living as though Pentecost had never taken place .
15 Though we have not yet attained a full system of compulsory registration , we may be said to be moving , surely and at an increasing pace , in that direction .
16 In general … rejection appears to increase with the development of disability and the continuation of caring … only a handful of these disabled mothers would be said to be receiving tending in a context which was predominantly loving …
17 Distributors and retailers selling " own brand " goods can be liable if they can be said to be holding themselves out to be the producer .
18 ( Whether old people living in residential homes can be said to be living in the community is a separate issue , some aspects of which are considered in Chapter 7 . )
19 Joan can be said to be responding to Carol 's relatively heavy use of Creole by increasing the " Creole feature rating " of her own utterances : thus the two " negotiate a language " which is identifiable as " Creole " or " Patois " by virtue of there being Creole features in the speech of all parties , though to differing degrees .
20 A major question posed is the extent to which the professional bodies , including the Engineering Council and the institutions , can be said to be performing a mediating role between the members of the profession and the government ; that is representing the memberships ' interests while also entering into agreements with the government which are likely to limit their members ' freedom of action .
21 His shiksas and replicas , hostilities and escapes , have taken part in a great game of long duration , and he can be said to be reviewing the state of play .
22 Or is there any sense in which those who oppose and vote against a particular policy or decision can be said to assent to it , or can be said to be governing themselves when they have voted against the policy that has been adopted ?
23 We saw earlier that majority decision-taking , even in the context of direct participatory democracy , poses the problem of how those who oppose the majority position and vote against it can be said to be governing themselves .
24 Research findings suggest , moreover , that the people most likely to change their votes — the floating voters — are generally the least informed within the electorate , and are thus not people who can be said to be making careful choices between policies .
25 In the sense that these parties have provided the electorate with a clear either-or choice in both countries for many years , they can be said to be doing their job .
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