Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] [noun] all " in BNC.

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1 Russians in Central Asia , imperialists in India , South-East Asia , and Africa , colonizers in Australasia , and the commercial intruders in China and Japan all expressed themselves with striking forcefulness through this one architectural type .
2 Seeing the tide running in his direction , Havelock Wilson renewed his campaign in a series of meetings of sailors and firemen all over the country , declaring that a majority of the shipowners of the United Kingdom were favourable to a National Board and that " it will come if the seamen are united and demand it " .
3 Stout merchant and professional cash built these statements of position and status all over these islands .
4 In the 1950s and 1960s this ensured the rapid dissemination of such skills into towns and villages all over Kenya , and this process is being constantly reinforced .
5 BCAR Chairman Steve Challis welcomed delegates from museums and groups all over the UK to the meeting , explaining that he thought BCAR to be ‘ probably one of the smallest groups in the BAPC ’ .
6 Expropriations in Indo-China , forced labour in the Congo and ruthless exploitation of resources in Java and Sumatra all left behind them hatred and bitterness .
7 PAKISTAN 'S victory at Melbourne against England in the World Cup final produced unbelievable scenes of happiness and jubilation all over the country .
8 It 's this region that produces half the country 's wealth … exporting tons of fish and timber all over the world .
9 This unit is separated from the fields of ridge and furrow all around the village by a break of slope or change of level of I metre ( 39 in ) or more in height .
10 I CAN IMAGINE THE INDIGNANT HOWLS OF protest as collectors all over the country now run to their shelves to gather together a clutch of beloved performances .
11 Clearly , the computer provided the ideal way to process the mass of information contained in personnel records in offices and depots all over the United Kingdom .
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