Example sentences of "assumed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Animal Painting in Britain was the title of a book by Basil Taylor , where he explained in his first chapter that the topic had been neglected since it was either assumed to be about sporting pictures , or about pictures of horses by such specialists as Sartorius .
2 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
3 Work such as that of Young et al ( 1988 ) has even shown us how something that was traditionally assumed to be as intangible and subjective as the nature of conscious awareness itself can be disrupted by physical damage to the brain and can be successfully studied by the observational techniques of cognitive psychology .
4 It has particularly focused on Renaissance literature and the struggles for dominance which are enacted in it , or are assumed to be .
5 In Romantic-Crocean terms , the experience is assumed to be both unique and ineffable , to be undergone in a form of negative capability , without , in Keats 's words , any irritable reaching after fact and reason .
6 The Newsons suggest these associations stand out to such an extent that they ‘ can be fairly assumed to be causative ’ .
7 Now , his songs are intended as the real thing , but widely assumed to be some sort of parody .
8 We therefore have : 1 ) the malady if it is a malady ; at any rate it is assumed to be a malady by the proponents of incomes policy ; 2 ) a theoretical cause of the malady , which is not disputed ; 3 ) the practical demonstration that this cause has been in operation ; and 4 ) the psychological explanation why that cause is desired , fomented and sustained by Governments .
9 This seems to me to illustrate what I would call the ‘ Breakthrough Phenomenon ’ : the sudden discovery that something which has been assumed to be out of the question is not out of the question at all .
10 Beholden to an anatomically derived , heterosexually structured , and all-embracing dualism , such theories could only conceive of homosexuality as a disavowal of that very difference which is assumed to be fundamental to social , psychic , and sexual organization .
11 The answer to that of course is ‘ no ’ ; because honour , pride and ego are always assumed to be male .
12 At the bottom of the hierarchy of the production structure , where spirits are assumed to be crushed , have come a new army of workers — fresh , vivacious and increasingly angry .
13 There was a time when five-star hotels were assumed to be better than four-star and so on down the line .
14 Machismo is neutered by being assumed to be synonymous with stupidity and tedium .
15 To be European in Italy is a logical extension of what is already assumed to be one 's natural multiple identity within a family , a city , a region and a nation .
16 Another , equally sinister , is the way in which most public meeting places and telephones are assumed to be bugged ; even the family is no longer a safe environment in which to talk .
17 The reasons are simple : Quisling , a former army officer , diplomat , and minister of defence was the first of his kind ; and his bid for power , though his own idea , by coinciding with the German takeover was assumed to be part of it .
18 He bethought himself guiltily of Sergeant Crane , who might be assumed to be waiting to continue the conversation that Francesca 's call had interrupted , and padded down the corridor .
19 No complete census of dolphins has ever been carried out in India , although the total population is generally assumed to be between 4000 and 5000 .
20 The demonstrators against the war in the streets of the capital are using the weapon of Islamic solidarity to have a go at the western powers , and some are indirectly critical of Mr Suharto , who is assumed to be the West 's friend .
21 The ‘ defending ’ firm 's use of any legal ploy , including ‘ poison pills ’ designed to make the acquisition indigestible , is cheerfully assumed to be fair .
22 They lie in why the restructuring took place and in the forms of ownership and capital structure that were assumed to be superior to the old .
23 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
24 Since the identity of one 's sexual partner may be assumed to be of fundamental significance , it is surely unjustified to give effect to this only where the mistake concerns whether the man is the woman 's husband ?
25 Still , the limping aircraft , which were assumed to be carrying arms , were not challenged .
26 In all cases the movements are assumed to be continuous .
27 The cone of vision is assumed to be right regular .
28 Added to this was an acceptance of liberal Victorian culture to such a degree that it was assumed to be as eternal as the gospel itself .
29 This permits people to be punished for crimes that are assumed to have taken place , and of which the suspect is assumed to be guilty , without any formalities of proof , evidence or charges .
30 A Labour Party spokesman said the Opposition accepted the principle of expatriate voting , but disapproved of ‘ disproportionate ’ Government effort and expense devoted to ‘ chasing ’ overseas voters who were assumed to be Tories .
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