Example sentences of "organizations that have " in BNC.

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1 The Chicago Civil Aviation Conference of 1944 is rarely discussed today , but it established the forms and organizations that have governed postwar civil aviation to this day .
2 The local community-based organizations that have since formed have been more basic in their opposition to any mining and have taken political organization — through lobbying , petitions , demonstrations and public meetings — as their mode of operation .
3 For some years Amnesty International has gazed with envy at those charities and voluntary organizations that have found it relatively easy to attract donations and sponsorship of events from companies .
4 8. ‘ … are the only organizations that have been able to do what they do at all , even though it might seem that what they do is not that difficult or mysterious a thing ’ .
5 Organizations that have horizontal and adaptive structures are able to meet the changes in market need more readily than those with cumbersome hierarchical structures , and create multifunctional development groups to plan new product developments .
6 Profit-orientated : private sector organizations that have as their primary objective the pursuit of profit .
7 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
8 Some of the organizations that have been privatized — the telephone system for example — were public monopolies ; now they have effectively become private monopolies .
9 And in this sense , when we liberate South Africa we will also create , we hope a state in the world which will become foremost in fighting racism all over the world and at the lower level our community based organizations our non-governmental organizations that have across colour built up structures to move communities forward if our friends in Eastern Europe and elsewhere could see how that is done at grass roots level in the hell of racism as I say they would have a lot to learn .
10 In those industries where continuous product innovation is a criterion for survival and success , organizations that have adopted the matrix seem to fare well … benefits of standardisation are coupled with the capacity to respond to change — a way to have your cake and eat it too ’ .
11 The first sees organizations pluralistically and , from a fairly orthodox political stance , asks what leads to conflicts in organizations that have to be settled politically , and what resources of power and influence different groups within organizations can draw upon to protect and advance their interests .
12 Now there are some organizations that have negotiated with that do not that do not need the banker 's order and the cheque .
13 But er all of the main organizations that have you know World Wide and Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth and so on and Age Concern .
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