Example sentences of "thrown into a " in BNC.

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1 Brief Ecstasy ( 1937 ) , for example , is a powerful drama centring on a woman who has married her professor and abandoned work for a life ‘ sitting all day knitting jumpers for my husband ’ , who is then thrown into a whirlpool of desire when her one-time lover arrives at the marital home .
2 Just as stagebound as anything produced before 1939 is When We Are Married ( 1943 ) , in which three middle-aged couples are thrown into a frenzy upon discovering that the parson who married them all those years ago was n't qualified to do so .
3 Is it really necessary for a person to leave a body behind , a body that must be buried in the ground or thrown into a fire ?
4 SHe realised with a dreadful clench of the stomach that SHe was a morsel of raw flesh being thrown into a blood-spiced pool of hungry sharks .
5 Secondly , the film suggests that Walter is thrown into a harrowing situation because his parents are dead , compounding the fears of many people that if they had a mentally handicapped child , there would be no-one to look after him or her if they died .
6 It seems that he was content to stay as a house guest of Sir John Popham for quite a while , though it has been suggested he was thrown into a debtor 's prison shortly after the event .
7 McCann throws doubt on his own assertion when he reveals that the Connolly commemoration committee , which had been initiated by the DHAC radicals , was thrown into a ‘ welter of recrimination ’ when the planned march was abandoned .
8 Something high in a tree clinked sharply , over and over again like a coin thrown into a metal dish .
9 It was a clattering , perilous descent , during which the wheel rim became seriously loosened , and the kit thrown into a jumble .
10 For many years Tukaram 's enemy Rameshwar had incited the people against Tukaram and been instrumental in having Tukaram 's poems thrown into a river .
11 In the old popular court , the suitors declared the law and gave judgement , or else passed judgement over to God by making one of the parties submit to an ordeal : to being thrown into a pool , for instance , or made to grasp a red-hot iron ; if he sank , or was soon healed , he was innocent ; otherwise , he was guilty .
12 Even the most cool-headed individuals can be thrown into a mild panic at the prospect of organising Christmas .
13 He was then thrown into a frenzy by a letter announcing the impending arrival of Lando Medici , the richest of American patrons who always paid for ponies in readies out of a Gladstone bag .
14 Joe Strummer played a bearded dishwasher in the mercenary army who gets thrown into a river in Alex Cox 's Walker .
15 She was stripped naked and beaten with a cattle prod before being thrown into a cell full of excrement .
16 Richard , of Cheltenham , Glos , said : ‘ Jackie was extremely distressed because Vernon had been thrown into a cell with 100 other prisoners . ’
17 Can any of your readers imagine what it would be like to be thrown into a ‘ concentration camp ’ for 20 years without trial , and , then the door of that awful place being opened and you are told you may go ?
18 In April this year , he was grabbed by Banda 's goons , thrown into a cell without a window , where he could barely stand up , and ( much later ) charged with sedition .
19 I was thrown into a jungle of new jargon .
20 The enormous ridged tomatoes were cored with a little sharp knife , cut round roughly into sections , thrown into a shallow bowl , mixed with thickly sliced raw onions , mild and very sweet .
21 ‘ Why may not a whole estate be thrown into a kind of garden ? ’ asked Joseph Addison in 1712 .
22 Nkrumah was thrown into a cell along with ten others .
23 First as a reporter for Du , and then on missions for Schweizer Spende , the Swiss relief organisation for victims of the war , he was thrown into a Europe of ruins and displaced persons .
24 The Doctor was thrown into a cell , and left alone .
25 Held , perhaps , by the crimson rope-lights , as Nuadu was held , and then butchered and slain and thrown into a dark woodshed , to await burning in the heart of a necromancer 's fiery furnace …
26 On his arrival , Murad was thrown into a dungeon in Selimgarh , opposite the Red Fort .
27 Did I ever tell you about the time I was thrown into a lake up in the — ’
28 I crouched , shivering with cold , until I was dragged up and thrown into a huge cage on a gaudily painted cart and driven down through the Shambles and Westchepe to the magistrates at the Guildhall .
29 Gould was thrown into a state of feverish excitement by his forays into the Australian bush , and , in a note written ‘ after dinner in a great hurry and with a bad pen ’ , he told Eliza : .
30 Blake had realized that the Doctor somehow always managed to find situations where his presence started events , causing ripple effects like a pebble thrown into a pool .
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