Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] are assumed to be " in BNC.

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1 Births in the first seven months of marriage are assumed to be pre-maritally conceived .
2 Okay Now expect , farmer 's expectations of prices are assumed to be revised , right , each year , farmers revise their own expectations of future prices so that makes some sense .
3 Second , even if straightforward authoritarianism and minimisation of wages are assumed to be universal features of capitalist rationality , it is difficult to claim that this ‘ rationality ’ is uniformly imposed in practice as a function of the ‘ undisputed authority of the capitalist ’ ( Marx ) .
4 Both volume and the absolute value of the change in price are assumed to be a positive function of the amount of disagreement between traders .
5 Needs for Personal Social Services for children are assumed to be predominantly determined by being in a lone-parent family , regardless of the economic circumstances of the family .
6 Purchases by customers are assumed to be a function of advertising and promotional expenditure , salesforce effort and commission , and retailer sales effort .
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