Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] control over the " in BNC.

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1 A court must be able to exercise some measure of control over the cases which are brought before it , to prevent injustice to either party and to ensure that the various issues can be fully and effectively dealt with .
2 Fourth , the holder of a floating charge will have some measure of control over the company even without taking any steps to enforce it .
3 Somehow if I could only know what he was doing and who he was seeing , that gave me some kind of control over the situation .
4 In addition to imitation , there are a number of other procedures designed to give the teacher or therapist some degree of control over the child 's language production .
5 The government had been thinking about ways for the administration to maintain some degree of control over the colonies since the mid-1650s ; in 1675 Charles set up the first organization to establish any record of continuity , a sign that his possessions overseas were settling down into some sort of discernible order .
6 To hypothesize , it was as if the king of France held the earldom of Cornwall or Lancaster from the king of England , who could therefore exert some degree of control over the foreign policy and behaviour of the king of France .
7 This explains why the Commission wishes to exercise some degree of control over the freedom to subsidise .
8 The Home Secretary performs the following functions in relation to all police forces : ( a ) Some degree of control over the appointment and dismissal of senior officers .
9 They might see it as better to take-over their main supplier , even if it means that company losing some existing orders from competing manufacturers of food products ; * buyers may deliberately seek international suppliers , so as to maintain their choice and retain some degree of control over the prices and terms of supply .
10 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
11 planning applications , erm the sort of locational aspects are important , the the existing policy in the structure plan did have some sort of control over the the number of jobs , but it 's as as David Potter has said , it 's been very difficult to monitor er the level of jobs being provided , and in practice it 's been really impossible to implement that aspect of of the policy .
12 Here , then , a connection is being made between organization power structures and the needs of dominant social classes for control over the workplace .
13 It is through the implementation of this agreed machinery that disciplinary tribunals and the Inns themselves , with the consent of the Lord Chief Justice , are now able to exercise extended powers of control over the professional conduct of barristers , with a wider range of penalties , but subject always , in the case of decisions by tribunals , to a right of appeal to the visitors : see Disciplinary Tribunal Regulations 1990 , regulations 22 and 30 .
14 Castile itself had been named after the fortresses built along the border between Christian and Moslem Spain , and essentially those who held these castles held the greatest degree of control over the lands on either side .
15 It was intended as a device to enable states with major accumulations of crude oil to exercise the fullest possible degree of control over the industry concerned with its extraction .
16 Thus we require participatory democracy to give the individual a real measure of control over the life and structure of his/her environment .
17 In the first place , it involves some actual power of control over the thing possessed .
18 Even when industries were not state owned there were various other instruments by which government actually exercised a large measure of control over the private sector .
19 The guard was removed on the following day , but the incident exemplified the renewed struggle for control over the influential liberal daily newspaper .
20 The programmers in the company initially had a good deal of control over the computer installation , which provoked management to cut down their influence .
21 It is generally believed today that hyperinflations can be avoided by the maintenance of a reasonable degree of control over the supply of money .
22 One way of avoiding most of the problems associated with legislative guide-lines , while still ensuring a reasonable degree of control over the way sentencers exercise their discretion , would be to hand over the task of preparing the guide-lines to an independent sentencing commission or council , of the kind proposed by Ashworth ( 1993a : 447 , 1997 : 91 ) .
23 Using the Light Rifle about 10′ from a 22″ television set gave a reasonable degree of control over the game .
24 We all believe in political fairness : we accept that each person or group in the community should have a roughly equal share of control over the decisions made by Parliament or Congress or the state legislature .
25 The implication is that Saruman has been led from ethically neutral researches into the kind of wanton pollution and love of dirt we see in ‘ The Scouring of the Shire ’ by something corrupting in the love of machines or in the very desire for control over the natural world .
26 Unless working-class children are given linguistic means of control over the disciplines of the curriculum , and situations in the outside world , they are unlikely to stand much chance of being upwardly mobile .
27 Similarly , ultimate rights of control over the company are legally vested in the shareholders , giving them , at least in theory , the ability to shape the company 's purposes for their own ends .
28 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
29 This is undoubtedly the main reason why the last twenty years have seen a steady increase in controls over the mass media , either by government takeover or by censorship and suppression .
30 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
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