Example sentences of "felt to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The increase was even felt to be too great : in 1964 , when British groups reached 212 , it was decided to slow down the growth in the UK — not to ‘ act upon the ephemeral enthusiasms of an odd individual ’ , but to go for quality .
2 shape a figure or a head from the scrutiny of the model who sat before him , was felt to be an ‘ impossible ’ assault on an objective guaranteed to elude his grasp …
3 This jealousy may be felt to be like Othello 's in having more to do with difference of race , and with the jealousies of race , than the jealous man , or than the work he belongs to , seems disposed to state .
4 The measures were felt to be particularly harsh by those catholic parents who were getting involved with the All Children Together movement .
5 ‘ It is most surprising that in the tourism industry the necessity for language training to meet the growing demand for overseas visitors is not felt to be important , ’ the report said .
6 The sawyers at the government mill at Kinlochrannoch were good friends of Cameron 's , and might try to bring out their neighbours , although they themselves were still felt to be incomers .
7 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
8 In particular , the process of consultation , and the provision within the Act to challenge service charges , were felt to be very difficult to enforce .
9 These was felt to be an excessive use in the Act of phrases such as ‘ consult ’ , ‘ challenge ’ , ‘ take note of ’ and ‘ reasonable ’ , which were thought by many to be vague and open to interpretation .
10 In spite of accounting for only 0.2 per cent of a beer 's cost , this is naturally felt to be wasteful and undesirable .
11 No warnings were issued to consumers because earlier advice from the Department of Health about the dangers of salmonella and the importance of cooking eggs thoroughly , was felt to be sufficient , the ministry said .
12 Non-tournament expenditure is also felt to be excessive in some areas .
13 Brian Hand An installation of slide , video , found objects , text and image — all used to ‘ explore origins , coincidences and inter-relationships between concepts and phenomena ‘ normally ’ not felt to be related within Irish history . ’
14 A leaflet headed The Case for Charging Full Cost Fees , with the sub-heading Why this is felt to be necessary , has been dished out at the party political conferences .
15 The sufferings of the young when first they go away from home and try to hold their own with cruel contemporaries are felt to be very great even when they are not .
16 It is easy to understand how irksome that condition has been felt to be and how strong has been the temptation to try to tamper with it .
17 How could it have felt to be lonely and dumb ?
18 It was not felt to be a good idea to mention the word ‘ grovel ’ in the presence of the England captain , especially as he had scored only 38 runs in five innings .
19 The need is real , or certainly felt to be real , and the complaints are understandable .
20 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
21 An orthodox man is not allowed to hear a woman singing as this is felt to be seductive .
22 Working-class Protestants had some material advantages over their Catholic competitors and enjoyed preferential treatment in housing and local government employment but these advantages were sometimes marginal and were not often felt to be considerable advantages because the Protestants did not sit down to statistical comparisons of their standards of living with the opportunities of Catholics .
23 By the high-priestly families of Jerusalem he was felt to be a threat both to their authority and to their political collaboration with the Roman power .
24 In a society which drew no sharp line between the natural and the supernatural , a very real presence of the saints in heaven was felt to be where their bodily remains rested .
25 Just how little the opening of a new Front in the east matched the widespread desire for a rapid end to the war , and how risky the extension of the conflict was felt to be , can be seen in the admission , a few months later , by Adolf Wagner , Gauleiter of Munich and Upper Bavaria , at a meeting of Party functionaries , that if Hitler had consulted the German people before the start of the war in the east about its readiness for the Russian campaign , the vast majority of the population would have said : ‘ My God , keep your hands off , my dear Adolf Hitler .
26 An SD report at the end of January 1942 noted that ‘ the pictures from the Führer Headquarters were felt to be the high-point of the newsreel ’ , and that ‘ not enough pictures of the Führer could be shown ’ .
27 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
28 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
29 Parents should be given the power to vote on the removal of individual governors if their conduct was felt to be unsatisfactory , Mr Smith suggested .
30 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
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