Example sentences of "through both the " in BNC.

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1 Their advice was ignored and the tough decisions taken in 1981 were to lead to the much praised Budget of the next year and , even more , to the economic recovery which took us through both the 1983 and 1987 general elections .
2 It was a charge that was to dog us through both the 1983 and 1987 general elections , and which did us more damage than any other health issue .
3 The attraction of a landscape to an individual will thus be a result of energies , however defined , running through both the individual and the landscape .
4 It also provides , for some managers , a continuous thread to their life experiences through both the army and into industry .
5 Through both the death and resurrection of Jesus , humanity is now reconciled to God even if some people are unaware of , or do not care to hear , the good news .
6 The lower jawbone continues through both the North and South Islands of New Zealand until it reaches the ‘ chin ’ , then begins a slow doubling back along an unseen series of mid-oceanic ridges that curve through the roaming forties , become the back of Pac-Man 's skull and turn back up towards warmer water , surfacing briefly as Easter Island and the pinnacles of Sala y Gomez , and joining the scalp and the hairline at the Mexican coast , Baja California and the west coasts of America , Canada and , finally , Alaska once more .
7 Roosevelt announced his plan without warning , and an immediate wave of opposition swept through both the Senate and the House , led by Democrats who normally supported the President .
8 The on-costs on labour such as employers ' national insurance contributions , CITB levy , holidays with pay scheme and other more indirect on-costs such as allowances for severance pay and legislation affecting employment , sick pay , allowance for employer 's liability and third party insurance , will be processed through both the cost and financial accounts .
9 " Pluralism " was the new theory of British politics that burst through both the party and the constitutional perspectives on things .
10 At each Hour a verse from the hymn is followed by a prayer which acknowledges this and sees the Incarnation as the means by which all men , both living and dead , can be united : The office thus daily rehearsed the historical story of the Passion of Christ and its significance in such a way that it is constantly renewed in human awareness through both the linear and cyclical experience of the passing of time .
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