Example sentences of "over [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , the evidence supports the view that , over the periods studied , profitable arbitrage opportunities existed for the S&P500 .
2 Rentals in respect of all other leases are to be charged to the profit and loss account in equal annual amounts over the periods of the relevant lease .
3 Rentals in respect of all other leases are to be charged to the profit and loss account in equal annual amounts over the periods of the relevant lease .
4 The results demonstrate that the relative popularity of the languages noted shows little variation over the periods surveyed .
5 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
6 Since 1985 profits growth in the division has been restricted to an average of less than 5 per cent a year and as 40 per cent of revenues come from the US the one third fall in the dollar over the period obviously affected the outcome as have rising R&D costs .
7 It peaked in the election years of 1983 and 1987 and even the collapse of optimism over the period 1978–80 was halted and temporarily reversed at the 1979 election ( The Economist , 1990 , p. 34 ) .
8 Both Soviet and foreign estimates of the numbers threatened with starvation and death over the period 1921–2 varied enormously , and no amount of detailed research is ever likely to come up with reliable figures .
9 Thus , the great advance in literacy over the period and the expansion of the young population .
10 Over the period 1979 — 88 manufacturing output per head increased by 4.2 per cent , faster than the 1960s .
11 But this followed the sharp decline in 1980 and 1981 ; over the period 1979 — 85 the annual average growth rate has been 1.9 per cent about the same as most other OECD countries — without the benefit of North Sea oil .
12 The gloomy trends of macro-economic indicators of economic growth , inflation , unemployment , and public spending over the period were in line with those for earlier governments .
13 He considered his notes ; what he needed from this interview was to confirm that Angela Morgan had not been in the office on Saturday , and a statement of Peter Yeo 's movements over the period within which Angela Morgan had probably been killed .
14 The numbers killed in commercial set-nets declined over the period , but the number caught in amateur nets increased .
15 Over the period of study , 228 dolphins were reliably reported to have drowned in set-nets , out of a total population estimated in 1984 at 740 .
16 Unit-trust managers are paid for the share-picking and dealing skills that enable them to do better than elderly aunts ( how much better is a question : supposedly index-tracking funds scored only from 88.4% to 93.2% over the period ) .
17 The savings — altogether £100m over the period of the scheme — are to help pay for safety improvements at football grounds .
18 The value of the shares in a hypothetical portfolio of acquired banks rose by 420% over the period studied , against a 160% increase for a portfolio of wallflower banks .
19 Over the period 1989–94 , says the study , Mexico stood to need over $50 billion ; despite direct foreign investment , official loans , and bilateral deals , it was $23 billion short .
20 ( One notable relic is the second volume ( Men ) of a two-volume group entitled Things and Men : it is full of snippets of conversation and descriptions spread over the period 1897 to 1910 , frequently used in his books and papers in order to restrain his fancy and keep his feet firmly on the ground . )
21 Though he may not know it , it is broadly the procedure of a creative artist who seeks to redefine his criteria of success , perhaps over the period of his lifetime .
22 The funds do not merely guarantee you will get the full rise in the index over the period you have chosen ; they also ensure you get the highest bid price that the fund achieves at any point while the investment is running .
23 No classification is entirely satisfactory and was not consistent over the period represented here but the category included : engineers , railway employees , carpenters , building trades and labourers , tailors and dressmakers , boot and shoe operatives , printing trades , postmen , policemen , blacksmiths , farm labourers , textile factory workers , gardeners and caretakers .
24 As Table 4 indicates , substantial changes took place in the structure of residential services in Nottinghamshire over the period of the study .
25 As the above data suggest , residential services in Nottinghamshire not only expanded considerably over the period of the study but much of the new development took place in non-traditional residential services of the kind that CMHTs had been charged with promoting .
26 Over the period of the Hinkley C Inquiry , those claims finally fell apart .
27 Over the period of the inquiry build-up , the funding for energy efficiency measures had actually been reduced and the budget for the government 's Energy Efficiency Office slashed .
28 Among other findings , this produced five cases of young leukaemia within eight miles of the plant over the period 1979–84 , where less than one would have been expected on the basis of national rates .
29 As a treat for her large staff , who had been so assiduous over the period of moving in , Amy encouraged them to go .
30 Almost all of this increase was attributable to the growing proportion of lone mother families , which more than doubled over the period .
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