Example sentences of "into question the " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that the project itself will call into question the notion of success and failure , my theme in the big glass , he wrote , is , after all , the calling into question of such terms as success and failure , the calling into question of such notions as project and even work .
2 In the end , John Torode 's attitudes bring into question the very purpose of law .
3 If the judge rules in favour of the nuns it will call into question the Zoonoses Order 1989 , which allows the Ministry of Agriculture to slaughter an infected flock .
4 For ministers to talk in gloomy terms about the future pressures on public spending risked calling into question the effectiveness of their economic strategy .
5 The findings again call into question the Government 's attempt to privatise nuclear power despite constant warnings over the costs The shadow Energy Secretary , Mr Frank Dobson , claimed yesterday that the CEGB 's accounts had been ‘ massaged and adjusted to suit the Government 's privatisation policies ’ .
6 One other significant point to emerge from this prosecution was the reluctance of art historians to support Beck and to call into question the techniques used to restore some of the world 's most priceless art treasures .
7 If the Foreign Office can not agree with MI6 as to who are Britain 's enemies , the effectiveness of MI6 is at risk of being submerged by political expediency , calling into question the whole point of having such an organisation in the first place .
8 The case created legal history and brought into question the whole attitude of the medical profession to the treatment and care of the newly born , severely handicapped .
9 These three cases have to call into question the rights of parents , ignorant of the lives of the mentally handicapped in our society , and fearful and shocked by the discovery that they have a mentally handicapped child , to make decisions about the future of their handicapped children .
10 The modernity or postmodernity of the nouveau roman resides not only in the degree to which the novels in question are transgressive in narrative terms , but also in the extent to which they call into question the legitimacy of the practices they install .
11 An examination of the development of the nouveau roman displays exactly those difficulties with periodization which have beset postmodernist poetics , calling into question the legitimacy of literary history as a critical practice itself .
12 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
13 What sustains him is the comfort he derives from the spiritual world of the Indian , as he escapes the alienating environment of the school to listen to Quechua music and to renew his bonds with the magical world of nature , but his experiences call into question the effectiveness of Quechua values in the white world in which he must live .
14 In 1970 , an all-party Committee of the Council had been set up to examine the future of the tramway ; rising costs had once again called into question the future of winter tramway operations .
15 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
16 More than that , it threatens the industry 's preferred method of assessing risk and calls into question the adequacy of the emergency measures that would be adopted after an accident .
17 The retraction of finances from city coffers calls into question the government 's real commitment to urban regeneration .
18 Restricting auditors ' responsibilities just to shareholders , it says , inadequately reflects the wider role of audited financial statements and brings into question the need for a statutory audit .
19 The most significant are that the proposed SAS requires auditors to be active , rather than passive , and to perform procedures specifically designed to identify circumstances which might call into question the appropriateness of the going concern basis ; that the future period which should be considered by both the directors and auditors in assessing the validity of the going concern basis should be extended to one year from the date the accounts are approved by the directors ; and that emphasis is now placed on the need for adequate disclosures in accounts of matters giving rise to inherent uncertainties that affect a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
20 The US asbestos industry responded by complaining that this increased regulation brought into question the continued existence of the industry .
21 Returning to the perspective of ‘ adaptive behaviour ’ discussed earlier , we can call into question the extent to which going abroad can legitimately be viewed as a student strategy for maximizing opportunities in China when by necessity it implied turning away from the ‘ motherland ’ in favour of foreign countries .
22 Stories of students too tired to study and teachers selling boiled eggs during classes were common , bringing into question the value and role of education and its intellectual workers .
23 But the ambivalence that some studies have shown must call into question the relative importance of the history of family attitudes to bedwetting as perhaps being equally or more important than any postulated physical reasons .
24 I do not wish to reject Lévi-Strauss 's ‘ structuralist method ’ but call into question the epistemological basis that can be claimed for it .
25 The BPI clampdown following suspicious activities surrounding Don-E 's August single once again calls into question the credibility of the singles chart , after a spate of hyping controversies last year involving London Records , Rhythm King and Virgin Records and artists like S-Express and The High .
26 Many UN General Assembly resolutions have called into question the legality of the first use , or indeed all use , of nuclear weapons ( Schindler and Toman , 1981 , pp. 121 and 129 ) .
27 For the interconnected problems outlined above call strongly into question the ability of the present institutional apparatus of the state to respond in an appropriate manner to the various challenges which currently confront it .
28 Some organisations interview all candidates ' wives early in the selection process ; others invite only the wives of short-listed candidates into interview ; a few feel it unreasonable to call into question the intentions of potential expatriates ' wives .
29 All personal computer production has now been halted , the company said , calling into question the future of its factory in Montreal , Canada .
30 Meanwhile , the exigencies of balancing the government 's books in hard economic times have everywhere called into question the future of the welfare state .
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