Example sentences of "can be explain " in BNC.

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1 It would make no sense to say that the dots in the picture had a Gestalt of themselves , but to apply this model to the brain and experience would be just like that ; for , if the experience just is a state of the brain , then there is no way in which the character of the experience can be explained as the result of some perspective on the brain .
2 What I shall do now is try to back up this last statement by sketching some of the characteristics of childish thought , showing how they can be explained in constructivist terms .
3 This impairment can be explained in a straightforward manner if one assumes that damage has occurred to the part of the reading system that involves addressed phonology .
4 We are back with the problem which Eliot had considered in March 1914 when one of his seminar colleagues , Sen Gupta , had read a paper that Eliot had written dealing with the work of Lévy-Bruhl ‘ on primitive race-psychology ’ and the ‘ law of participation ’ , a paper in which it was stated that , ‘ Causality is something which can be explained away but not explained .
5 Trevor Sorbie thinks the patronising attitudes of some salons can be explained by the youth of the stylists .
6 For political reasons as much as for economic ones , the government needs to come up with a scheme that is simple ( so that its essence can be explained in one sentence ) and seen to be fair ( the duke pays more than the dustman ) .
7 The state has to be assured that the person being disposed of is the person others say he is , that the manner of his dying can be explained and is legally acceptable .
8 It can be explained by the fact that so much of Western life in the later part of the twentieth century is geared to groups and families , partnerships and couples .
9 The Libyan system was ostensibly designed to preserve those natural attributes of humankind : some of its elements can be explained by the intention to create a non-representative direct democracy .
10 The same disagreement has emerged more recently in the context of human language acquisition , in the debate between those who , like Noam Chomsky , suppose that human beings have an innate capacity to acquire language , and the behaviourists , who argue that language acquisition can be explained in the same way as most other behaviour , by operant conditioning : we learn to speak grammatically because we receive reinforcement when we do so .
11 The fashion for Bonington among French collectors can be explained in part by the wave of anglophilia that swept France under the Restoration .
12 Much of this can be explained by the cooptation which has taken place through the mechanism of clientelism .
13 She shows how heated controversies about the use of the speculum , which was seem by some medical men as an instrument of rape , about operations that ‘ unsexed ’ and ‘ castrated ’ women , and about the relationship between male doctors and their female patients can be explained more effectively by viewing gynaecology as a ‘ science of woman ’ .
14 Some of the wilder fluctuations can be explained by changing patterns of party contestation .
15 Thus the overshadowing effect can be explained without recourse to the mechanisms usually supposed to be responsible for it in associative learning ( but see Pearce 1987 ) .
16 Many of these comparisons produce results that can be explained without appealing to the idea that the pre-trained cues become more distinctive .
17 That potent and overworked word ‘ dialectical ’ can be explained ( after Howard & King : 1975 , 21 ) in the following way :
18 Seeming contradictions can be explained in situations where conservation policies may be drawn up in some areas ( perhaps financed by foreign aid , and attached to prestigious foreign fellowships and enhanced salaries for senior officials ) — but in a neighbouring area a carte-blanche logging contract is offered to a transnational company .
19 Thus what is done , and what more commonly and significantly remains as rhetoric , can be explained .
20 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
21 The importance of this debate can be explained , partly , by the political capital which the Opposition could make from linking the social and economic malaise of the country at large with violent street disturbances .
22 For social reasons , both the degree of concentration of certain acknowledged problems and the extent to which they can be explained by internal processes of self-generation rather externally imposed processes may be grossly exaggerated .
23 It can be explained largely by adhesive affinities leading to self-assembly .
24 The force with which the judges made their case for Second Empire can be explained by assuming that they felt that if they did not strongly press for this form of building , another , and less welcome style in their eyes , would be adopted .
25 According to Wolman , of the 15 per cent difference in employment performance between good and poor urban economies , three-quarters can be explained by contrasting experiences in manufacturing .
26 This apparent discrepancy can be explained in a number of ways .
27 This continuity in policy can be explained in a number of ways .
28 Though many poltergeist influences can be explained in this way , what of those which happen in empty , uninhabited properties ?
29 This anomaly can be explained by a strong but short telemagmatic heating event , with coalification having preceded porosity loss of the reservoir rocks , and/or by fracture porosity gained through tectonic disturbance of the rocks .
30 This can be explained by the recent deep subsidence in Cainozoic times .
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