Example sentences of "we therefore [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We therefore welcome the tentative commitment to demand management in draft MPG6 .
2 We therefore welcome the tentative commitment to demand management in draft MPG6 .
3 We therefore welcome recent press indications that changes in excise duties would not be implemented immediately .
4 We therefore launched the Cathedral Repair Grant Scheme in April 1991 , providing £11.5 million over three years .
5 The planning functions of local authorities are a public service and we therefore endorse the principle that they should not charge fees for pre-application advice on development proposals .
6 ‘ The bottom line ’ , says one western ambassador , ‘ is that he is one of the few leaders on this continent who appears to care about his people and we therefore trust him to do the right thing . ’
7 We therefore observe that , with a real wage rate w 1 , the tangency solution of conventional price theory yields values for both the profit maximizing level of output , , and the demand for labour , , for the representative firm .
8 In those circumstances , the point had clearly been reached when the court should be prepared , in W. 's own interests , to overrule her refusal to consent to treatment , and we therefore ordered that she should be treated at the appropriate London unit .
9 We therefore apply a finite-difference approach to solving the required equations .
10 We therefore apply ( 2 ) with unc This gives for the solution of ( 2 ) unc Since the columns and rows are arbitrary to a scalar multiplier , we may now write unc ( for simplicity of exposition we have multiplied the first column on the right by 3 ) .
11 We therefore apply Equation ( ) to the last 4 figures in sequences of 3 ( we assume contributions from the other roots to be vanishingly small ) : unc which give us
12 We therefore tend to be deficient in exercise and our muscles tend to become soft and flabby , and unable to keep us correctly positioned .
13 We therefore tend to be circumspect and protective , particularly of course when our dealings involve some threat to the fragile security of the other person 's composure or self-esteem , or our own ( for further discussion see Brown and Levinson 1978 ; Widdowson 1984a : Paper 7 ) .
14 We therefore tested the binding of wild-type and mutant holoenzymes at lac UV5 promoter in the presence and in the absence of CRP and cAMP by different techniques : DNAaseI footprinting [ 18 ] ( Fig. 2 ) , hydroxylradical footprinting ( iron EDTA [ 19 ] ( Fig. 3 ) or copper-phenanthroline reactants [ 28 ] ( Fig. 5 ) ) and laser crosslinking [ 20 ] ( Fig. 4 ) .
15 We therefore hope to have wide representation from the many areas in which formal reasoning is being used and developed .
16 We therefore hope that a favourable decision will soon be reached regarding HMS Polar Circle .
17 We therefore intend a package of measures to achieve this , including delegation of financial decisions and appointment of teaching staff to local controllers ( known as ‘ parents ’ — see item 4 above ) , and central Government support for individual schools which have been particularly successful at promoting inequality .
18 We therefore intend to introduce legislation to establish a new right for members of the public to seek an injunction to halt unlawful industrial action affecting a public service if the employer concerned fails to use the remedies available to him .
19 We therefore intend to analyse additional sera from patients with infectious gastroenteritis for the presence of anti-lactoferrin antibodies .
20 We therefore looked for a solution which was fair and would meet most members expectations .
21 And yes it erm I mean and therefore we would be reviewing current practices which is that erm you know the film is in the building , the cinema is open , the staff are there and we therefore show a film at four o'clock because there 's no extra charge for us doing so and we hope thereby to attract however many er patrons to see it .
22 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
23 We therefore became aberrant policemen simply because what we were now living was not programmed by previous organizational knowledge and habit .
24 We are given some financial support from the government but this doe snot cover all our costs and we therefore depend on gifts from trusts , companies and individuals .
25 We therefore regret that your goods will probably take six weeks to arrive instead of a month .
26 We therefore ask the assembly today to authorize the panel to prepare a leaflet explaining the church 's position to parents who are not communicant members and who are not willing to become such but who neverth s still which baptism for their child .
27 We therefore ask you , as a matter of some urgency , to have it called in for your own determination .
28 We therefore ask Members to seek very considerable revision to the Bill in Committee , in order to secure more confidently that the reforms will realise their intentions . ’
29 We therefore ask you to look to your classes for possible talent .
30 We therefore ask conference to support this motion .
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