Example sentences of "been major [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There have been major developments in the NHS in the three years since the advisory council was set up and new avenues for discussing possible changes have been developed , ’ said Lord Fraser .
2 In the process area , there have been major developments in catalysts for polypropylene manufacture and in the technology for making chlorine and also ammonia — both very mature products indeed on the face of it but where the story has by no means ended , even after a century .
3 The worlds of industry and commerce , accountancy and finance , advertising and government have been major recruiters of graduates from the department for many years .
4 As a result of the ‘ literate mentality ’ that these institutions helped to form in England , and to which Lyons and fellow academics now subscribe , later historians , looking back to records of eleventh century England , tended to discard medallions , seals and other material objects that had been major criteria of validation in the oral culture of that period .
5 There have been major changes in both the interface of the police and raped women and in the media coverage .
6 Secondly , there have been major changes in the amount of rape reported in the press .
7 In 1969 there had been major changes in the value of the German mark and French franc which threatened to damage EEC internal trade .
8 Over the last ten years there have been major changes in the employment structure of British society .
9 ‘ But there have been major changes for 1993 .
10 Chairman I think going to the points that Mr Donson made , there have been major changes .
11 It appears that there have been major changes in the rationale and operation of the MTFS as a result of the effects of financial innovation , which would indeed seem to suggest a degree of discretion is necessary in policy actions .
12 ‘ There have also been major changes on antifoulings .
13 In addition , there have been major reforms in state provisions for pensioners .
14 Clearly , Harald was a highly-efficient organiser of labour and materials : the felling and transportation of the large quantities of timber used in the camps and at Ravning , for example , must have been major operations in themselves .
15 In all these countries there have been major debates about what policy to adopt in order to restrict the arrival of such people .
16 Speaking to The Art Newspaper Ms Lyles noted that while there have been major surveys of British watercolours in recent years ( such as that held at the British Museum in 1985 ) these have tended to be in-house shows , with the emphasis on highlights from individual collections .
17 We have seen that localism and the drift to increasingly authoritarian government have been major problems even for Africa 's more successful leaders , and have been disastrous in other cases such as Uganda and Nigeria .
18 Whilst this use of ‘ creative ’ accountancy may have helped to avoid the harsh reality of nuclear power 's burdensome construction charges , there have also been major problems in the area of running costs .
19 There have been major rebellions against the imposition of charges for eye and dental tests , for an amendment to grade the poll tax according to ability to pay , and for the second reading of a private members ' bill to liberalize the Official Secrets Act .
20 In countries such as Bangladesh , for instance , there have been major campaigns to give each village its own borehole and hand pump .
21 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
22 Britain 's position within the international division of labour and its trade balance were examined in Chapter 1 , where it was seen that there have indeed been major shifts over the post-war period .
23 There should have been major expenditure on affordable provision , this would be a major factor in getting people back to work . ’
24 These inspired the Chinese people and within a few years , there had been major efforts to move away from the centralised , planned economic system which was typical of communist regimes .
25 In addition , the coalminers , through their trades unions , have long been major actors in the political arena those of both the workplace ( notably the Trades Union Congress ) and the state ( the Labour party ) .
26 At a meeting on July 23 , politicians who had been major figures in the pre-1980 period agreed to bring their respective political parties into a united front against President Mugabe 's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front ( ZANU-PF ) .
27 Having risen strongly over the post-war period until that year , growth stopped ; there have been major fluctuations since , but the total has never been so high again .
28 There have been major increases in the amount of reporting of rape and other sex crimes in the media .
29 In music , where there are still also patronal relations in commissioned works , there are still predominantly distributive post-artisanal relations in orchestral works and in traditional sheet music , while in popular music the second , productive post-artisanal phase has long been established , and there has been major movement into later phases of market relations .
30 One aspect of the landscape revolution which this entailed appears to have been major drainage works , which drastically modified the stream between the two villages , to create what is now known as the Maxey Cut .
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