Example sentences of "have [vb pp] worse " in BNC.

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1 I have heard worse things here .
2 ‘ I have seen worse storms than this .
3 He and Mrs Thatcher are having to face up to a crisis they have made worse by trying to deny it , and now they can not agree on who should do what or how or why .
4 Other studies have shown worse school progress in children who stopped diet at 6 years of age compared with children who continued treatment .
5 Shortages have got worse .
6 Recently , things have got worse and she 's become agoraphobic .
7 Mr Jencks argues that while long-term male joblessness and unwed parenthood have got worse , school drop-out rates have improved ; and the number of violent crimes ( other than homicide ) and the proportion of the population on welfare are at least not getting worse .
8 Meanwhile as my visits to South Africa showed me in such a traumatic and depressing way the conditions of the majority have got worse there 's economic recession lay-offs , high inflation rate and growing violence more people have been killed in South Africa in the last two years than in any previous two years that you look at .
9 The problems have got worse .
10 Life at home is a bit of a battlefield and work is sadly staging a go slow but you have survived worse difficulties before and this tough period is nearly over Ugly what are you ?
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