Example sentences of "be reduce to " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
2 Inevitably in such circumstances , the detail of practice suffers a reduction to enable these charged and emotional situations to be handled more easily and to allow the complexities of social events to be reduced to the simplicities of narrative necessary for the file of evidence .
3 That argument showed that knowledge of the external world can not be reduced to behavioural dispositions , for the very idea of a disposition functions only in the context of an unreduced grasp on the physical world .
4 Most complicated jobs can be reduced to a sequence of relatively simple operations to be approached step by step .
5 Staff at the brewery are bitter that a profitable business can be reduced to penury by the financial crisis in its parent group .
6 There could also be controversy over the executive 's rejection of demands for the age of consent for homosexuals to be reduced to 16 years .
7 The original legislation passed in 1985 stipulated that the deficit must be reduced to $36bn in the 1990 fiscal year which began on 1 October .
8 But if individual membership doubled — in line with Labour 's 1991 campaign target — the proportions would shift dramatically : union voting strength would then be reduced to 55 per cent , with constituency parties having a 45 per cent share .
9 The Cabinet shall be reduced to a minimum .
10 The balance-of-payments problem plainly can not be reduced to one of ‘ how to pay for essential imports ’ .
11 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
12 The critique of Nietzsche 's apocalyptic aestheticism , with its injunction to build your dwelling on the slopes of Vesuvius , just can not be reduced to the cliché about Baudrillard fiddling while Rome burns with which the book closes .
13 The outcome of the talks remained unclear but leading figures in the opposition Civic Forum were optimistic that the Communists will be reduced to a minority in the new coalition government .
14 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
15 In the Sandys doctrine their roles were reversed : primacy was to be given to the nuclear weapon , and conventional forces were to be reduced to a supporting role .
16 The US Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1972 stated that : ‘ … it shall be the immediate goal that the incidental kill or serious injury of marine mammals permitted in the course of commercial fishing operations be reduced to insignificant levels approaching zero morality . '
17 In a belated attempt at conciliation , the Japanese Government announced in mid September that the drift-net fleet in the Tasman Sea for the 1989–90 season would be reduced to 20 vessels , in the hope that the South Pacific nations could be diverted from their diplomatic assault .
18 According to at least some physicists , life can be reduced to a matter of information-processing .
19 Both the Model Penal Code test and the Scots test may be reduced to circularity , however , for when one asks how extreme or how wicked the recklessness should be , the only possible answer is : ‘ wicked or extreme enough to justify the stigma of a murder conviction ’ .
20 Where the prosecution fails to establish intention , the offence will be reduced to the lower category , to be considered in section 8.3 ( c ) below , so long as recklessness is proved .
21 One question , therefore , is whether the age should be reduced to 16 , which is the general age of consent for sexual activity .
22 For us to be reduced to the level of a Balkan state is very hard .
23 The judges at the Rutland Forest Eyre in 1269 ordered that they should be reduced to the customary and reasonable number , which was five walking foresters and one riding forester with one page , and that no walking forester in that forest was in future to have pages under him .
24 Some manufacturers guarantee CDs for only 30 years but Mr Bert Gall , general manager of optical systems at Philips , said the life of the average disc should be more than 1,000 years , though it could be reduced to 50 if manufacturing was poor and the discs were mistreated .
25 I hope the RFU competitions committee make an urgent review of proceedings , especially as the First Division will be reduced to 10 teams for the 1993–94 season .
26 What we are looking at is the development of a decentralised approach to management which by definition can not be reduced to a few single issues , although the level of management self-awareness is critical in all of them .
27 The field of economic policy is very wide and can not be reduced to budgetary policy .
28 People reveal themselves in their actions , but they can never be reduced to them .
29 In a similar way , the argument goes , God reveals Himself in particular events ( that may themselves be the actions of His agents , like Jesus of Nazareth or Mohammed ) but can never be reduced to them .
30 Messenger is not , of course , suggesting that women 's writing in the period is so fragmented that the concept is basically useless , but that the writing of women can not be reduced to a single critical proposition .
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