Example sentences of "be [prep] direct " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The new approach will be about direct generation of business . ’
2 First , there had to be a major subversive or espionage activity that was likely to injure the national interest , and secondly the material likely to be obtained by the interception had to be of direct use in compiling the information necessary for the security services to carry out the tasks laid upon them by the state .
3 Few MPs are willing to risk antagonizing those upon whose electoral favour they depend , especially where there are no immediately apparent benefits to be earned by the espousal of penal policies in the way that policy changes in health , housing , social security , education and the environment can be of direct benefit to their constituents .
4 The new system will also be of direct benefit to the Library 's users .
5 In addition , and more important , computers can keep clinical records and , therefore , be of direct clinical value to the general practitioner .
6 In these negotiations , we put forward a series of proposals designed to be of direct benefit to the European citizen .
7 The results will be of direct benefit to current studies of road pricing in London and elsewhere .
8 In terms of outcomes , it is anticipated that the research will be of direct practical relevance to work in a variety of context such as neighbourhood policing schemes , juvenile liaison and diversion schemes , reparation and victim-support projects , multi-agency work on drug problems , neighbourhood watch projects , etc .
9 We shall not use it on parasites , since that would be in direct conflict with your own programme ’ .
10 It will be in direct competition with BR 's InterCity service .
11 Even if Kirov was still listening out for radio contact , he was unlikely still to be in direct touch with the pilot .
12 When the two partners first set up on their own — according to Byrne , with only $5000 capital and giving up a secure future — they did so under the guise of an employment agency , so that they would not appear to be in direct competition with their ex-employers .
13 In this manner the alleged dispensation of justice can be seen to be in direct conflict with the best interests of air safety .
14 If the goals of public health medicine are health promotion and the prevention of ill health , warn Whitty and Jones , then the specialty is in danger of veering off course in pursuit of the purchasing function , which ‘ is likely to be ineffective in improving the population 's health and may even be in direct conflict with this role . ’
15 For field staff , however , a review which led to the relaxation of a large number of consents appeared to be in direct contradiction to their efforts ostensibly to bring all dischargers into compliance — ‘ trying to fiddle the books for when the Act comes into force ’ as a northern authority officer put it .
16 Thus a ‘ school ’ can be a general tendency , often identified by the name of a particular ‘ master ’ , who need not , however , be in direct institutional or even otherwise direct relations with his ‘ pupils ’ or ‘ disciples ’ .
17 they are apt to be too large for constructive action , since the time taken by a committee to resolve a problem tends to be in direct proportion to its size ;
18 Absorbing his father 's deep piety , he believed himself to be in direct communication with angels , and with the Lord himself , who had predestined him to be ‘ King of Kings and Solar King of the World ’ , sent to repopulate his nation .
19 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
20 Does my right hon. Friend agree that such a proposal about coal imports would be in direct conflict with the objectives of GATT and of free trade and would also result in the removal of the need for competitiveness in British Coal , which would work to the disadvantage of the consumer ?
21 Tumours arising within the stomach may be in direct contact with local agents , capable of increasing their proliferation .
22 On the basis of the meanings expressed , all the uses of the to infinitive can be divided into two general types which at first sight might seem to be in direct contradiction with one another .
23 But the rewards will be in direct proportion to the activity and efforts and work you put in .
24 Given the stance of policy approved Policy I eleven in relation to B eight development and the fact that we are here discussing an alteration not a review and replacement of the structure plan , does anyone around the table she said looking hard at Mr Saunders , see any difficulty in the panel poten potentially recommending a policy which would be in direct wi conflict with the policy which is not before it ?
25 This may be by direct knockdown or by severing the opponents ' kiteline .
26 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
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