Example sentences of "by about 20 " in BNC.

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1 Since the new boxes could be locked quickly into its computer and management system , operating costs would rise only by about 20 per cent .
2 NORTH WEST ‘ Properties costing over £100,000 have come down by about 20 per cent , semis by about ten per cent and terraces by about five per cent , ’ says Clive Watkin of the Clive Watkin Partnership on the Wirral , Merseyside .
3 The First Battle of Ypres fell into three distinct phases : the manoeuvres that brought the four Allied armies into position by about 20 October ; the German attacks on the River Yser and at La Bassee and Arras ; and the blows on the British salient that was forming east of Ypres .
4 Standish has constructed a new ephemeris with the correct mass and finds that this reduces the root-mean-square Uranus residuals by about 20 per cent and , more importantly , removes the systematic trends .
5 They found that futures prices led spot prices by about 20 minutes .
6 The record shows that during the 1980s we were able both to increase public expenditure in real terms by about 20 percent .
7 In the summer of ‘ 86 there was something called the Harmonic Convergence , which was supposed to usher in the Age of Aquarius — people who were going on about it back in the 60s jumped the gun by about 20 years .
8 However , the calculations of the amount of water already available were flawed , underestimating the flow into the Delta from Angola and Namibia by about 20 per cent .
9 The Church Commissioners , who supply parishes with about half their funds , have had to cut their contribution by about 20 per cent .
10 The Workshop was attended by about 25 participants from all over the country , as well as by about 20 Rajasthani college and university teachers of English .
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