Example sentences of "to [pos pn] eye " in BNC.

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1 It brought a tear to my eye . ’
2 Picture quality , to my eye , is in the same league as the similarly priced Yashica , yet the Olympus is lighter , smaller and includes useful extra features such as a fast-recycling flash and a quick-fire mode for those going … going … gone action sequences .
3 The dishes he filled seemed indistinguishable to my eye from run-of-the-mill cottage pie except they were rather blacker round the edges than is normal , and they were accompanied by the garnish of a quarter of a raw tomato , two cucumber slices , a sprinkling of cress ( or maybe lawn clippings ) , and a tired , pre-chewed lettuce leaf without which no British pub meal is complete these days .
4 To my eye , the flower is not at all melancholy but rather luscious .
5 So pressing his camera to my eye I tried to focus on this tanned , happy man , standing with one boot over the edge of a 200- or 300-foot drop , and the other on the edge of thin air .
6 When she asked me it would almost bring a tear to my eye . ’
7 But to my eye it is beautiful .
8 Leon gave up wearing the new clothes he 'd bought in London , curiously dated , formal stuff , even then , even to my eye .
9 If great writing may principally be a matter of fine and large spirit expressed in outstanding technique , to my eye , as I still acquaint myself with him , Johnson triumphs by combining a welcoming mind with an economy of expression , so that he shares the maximum of observed experience in the minimum of words .
10 Playing tunes that bring a smile to my face and a sentimental tear to my eye , for the last time that I heard them was the day of the first Gittel 's wedding .
11 It brings a tear to my eye .
12 That room the paint to my eye has either faded or changed colour or something .
13 Then our hostess appeared on a terrace higher still , put a large telescope to her eye , and read the time by the clock on the town tower .
14 Increasing distance made it shrink as it rose , until at an unimaginable height it was not larger to her eye than a small bird .
15 Down the third row of stones he tried in the garden of remembrance , he found the spot where Heather had raised the camera to her eye and captured the second image in the sequence he was seeking to follow .
16 Whoever had struck her had come perilously close to her eye .
17 He brought his hand up to her eye level and snapped his fingers .
18 To her eye , Ferraris were masterpieces of elegantly understated design , with fine lines and an innate animal grace .
19 Yet he deposited her on it as carefully as if she were china , and that brought a weak tear to her eye .
20 It was said that Mrs Fribbins had suffered a bruise to her eye after being hit during a bed changing incident .
21 It was said that Mrs Fribbins had suffered a bruise to her eye after being hit during a bed changing incident .
22 Now unable to write due to her eye condition , she and her husband , Oliver , who has overcome a stroke and broken arm , keep in close touch with their children by tape and video , But her works drew the attention of actress Dame Flora Robson , Scarborough-based playwright Alan Ayckbourn and radio presenter Brian Johnston , who interviewed her in Down Your Way .
23 The jagged edge was right next to her eye .
24 Farrar was back with the rest , holding a handkerchief to his eye .
25 With faltering dexterity one hand clasped the stem of the umbrella , leaving the other free to manipulate the camera from its sheath and he moved it quickly to his eye , which glorified , revelled in such a miraculous extension to itself .
26 Magnified as much by his fever as by the brass telescope to his eye , he saw Hookum Singh , a giant Sikh capable of carrying a barrel of powder on his back , stagger after Harry Dunstaple , emptying the powder in piles at the corners of the Cutcherry building and around pillars and supports .
27 It was Francis — it hurts , this , to remember — it was Francis who , bewildered , touched the back of his hand to his eye .
28 Closer to his eye was a reflection of the kitchen , which seemed to hover in the darkness , a silent capsule , a moment from a time warp .
29 He affixed a small jewellers ' eyeglass to his eye , and peered in at the device 's workings more closely .
30 A split second latter he claps his hand to his eye and wipes himself .
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