Example sentences of "in [art] public " in BNC.

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1 In the public end a fire flamed in a stone hearth .
2 What is clear is that this was all one society , in which the wives — like Mrs Lowndes herself — wrote books or maintained salons , while their husbands were functionaries , some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown , others — like Frederic Lowndes — no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps , as grey eminences .
3 Chapter One begins with allegations printed in one of the more respectable weekly magazines that do their best to ruin the reputation of everyone in the public eye .
4 Nor could the courts cope , and there would be a deterioration in the public 's perception of the police as a result of the disjuncture with lay conceptions of legality .
5 That was matched by a similarly dramatic increase in public perceptions that the party debate had now focused on defence , but by only a small increase in the public 's own concern about the issue .
6 Such notable films as Gandhi ( a severe treatment of the Raj ) , A Passage to India , and Heat and Dust , even the james Bond spectacular Octopussy , kept the Indian sub-continent securely in the public 's imagination .
7 When it is set , the artist is immediately linked with an amount of money in the public 's mind .
8 This raises the status of the ticket in the public 's mind .
9 Record companies , managers or anyone in the music business can only notice your music if your band is at a venue playing in the public eye .
10 By 1987 she and Charles seemed to have reached an all-time low , if not in their marriage , then certainly in the public 's perception of it .
11 The details to be included in the public registers to be established under the bill had yet to be decided but he personally favoured ‘ more information rather than less . ’
12 The controversy created by the research suddenly put Hector 's dolphin firmly in the public eye .
13 Ahead you 'll find a series of lucrative events which may well put you in the public eye , and carry you to further success and acclaim .
14 ‘ Hardly ever has a Goebbels article stood so much in the public eye as this one , ’ added the report , ‘ but his articles have probably never been so criticized .
15 Effective marketing , the programme offered , the speakers appearing , the styles of presentation — all these elements contribute to pulling in the public and the theme of ‘ bottoms on seats ’ will appear again as I deal with them .
16 It is a constant risk for someone like her who is always in the public eye , that someone will develop a fixation on her , ’ the colleague said .
17 If we had really reached a state where a bloody and unprovoked attack on four unarmed members of our police provoked only glee and pleasure in the public then neither I , nor anyone else , would be living in a country we recognised .
18 ‘ I also liked the idea of producing images of people in the public eye which do n't adhere to the unwritten rule of portraiture — that you 've got to make some kind of personal comment about the sitter , capture their essence , if you like — which , at twenty four , I did n't feel particularly qualified to do .
19 ‘ Red Ellen ’ had long been in the public eye — notably as the figure at the head of the Jarrow March in 1936 bearing down upon London to protest against the enormity of unemployment .
20 Unlike many groups , The Wedding Present largely avoided the dubious pleasure of growing up in the public eye .
21 If Chapman had become football 's forgotten man , he was about to put himself , and his new club , in the public eye again , for on 16 March , 1921 Huddersfield bought Stephenson for a fee that was ‘ probably the highest ever paid by a Yorkshire club ’ — £4,000 .
22 Nothing was left untouched where a change would put the club in the public eye , improve the team 's performance or , preferably , both .
23 Chapman 's mind worked day and night on motivating not only his players but everyone involved with the club , on keeping Arsenal in the public eye , on planning their victories , and on improving the game in general .
24 Managers are more than ever in the public eye ; the scientific approach , in tactics , medical treatment , ground improvements , is commonplace ; floodlighting , numbered players , the ten-yard semi-circle are taken for granted .
25 Set backs to chemistry in schools and in the public 's esteem have become regular news — so at least reward my carpentry by reading on !
26 Few would disagree that the CAB has raised its profile in the public eye over the last few years .
27 I immediately put the fern into our hospital , that is on the kitchen windowsill , a position in the public eye where it could be attended to by my of the family .
28 One of the great distinctions that can be drawn between football culture in Scotland and England is in the public 's attitude to heroes .
29 To build up a shop 's reputation in the public eye ( ie to make customers more aware of the shop and the goods it offers , and to convince them that it provides good value and good service )
30 From a plan , lately begun by another person who wished to assist Mr. Green , he hopes he shall not be injured in the public opinion , as the difference between a plan made from an actual survey , with accurate instruments , and conducted upon principles true in theory ( which will be explained to every scientific enquirer ) and one made by striding , is too palpable to escape observations . ’
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