Example sentences of "a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 A pleasant period is ahead of you , as opportunities for socialising with others of your kind may be at their peak .
2 All are influenced by a strongly seasonal climate with abundant rainfall during the summer months and a dry period of between 4 and 8 months .
3 They need a dry period and a wet period as in the wild .
4 For a memorable period she kept a pet monkey which travelled on her shoulder until its erratic behaviour had it banned from the newsroom .
5 As an ex-member of 64 Squadron I would appreciate this recognition of a memorable period of RAF history .
6 How can a beam of electrons that is made to wiggle in a plane with a spatial period of a few centimetres possible produce electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of a few microns ?
7 Efforts over a prolonged period by the BMC and the Sandstone Climbing Club have failed to win reductions in the excessive charges here , but these efforts will continue .
8 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
9 For illness to occur , salmonellas usually require a growth medium such as prepared food and exposure to warm temperatures for a prolonged period , to allow multiplication to their 100,000 to 100,000,000 cells which constitute an infective dose .
10 THE APPOINTMENT of Robert Louis-Dreyfus as Saatchi 's chief executive and Charles Scott as financial director comes after a prolonged period of musical chairs involving top management .
11 It pointed out that a prolonged period of profits growth at ISC had ended because of insistence by the auditors that ISC adopt more conservative accounting policies on long term contracts .
12 Despite a prolonged period of rest , the inflammation took many weeks to settle down — even with a steroid injection .
13 Only just over a third of sales were military and well over half were overseas , so steady progress is attainable for a prolonged period ..
14 In many cultures the girl is secluded from the rest of society during menarche , sometimes for a prolonged period , and is made to undergo rituals of initiation into her new status as a fertile woman that range from brutal to instructive and celebratory .
15 Exercises that increase stamina are those that require you to breath slightly more heavily than usual for a prolonged period of time ( say , an exercise session of thirty minutes or so ) .
16 A good game of tennis , badminton , hockey , netball , or football , for instance , all involve a great deal of running over a prolonged period of time .
17 If such exercises are repeated quickly enough to cause you to become breathless for a prolonged period , you will be building stamina too .
18 During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited ; Lombardy ( the traditional enemy of both Franks and papacy ) , parts of Spain , all of Saxony over a prolonged period of campaigning , and Slavonic regions of the Drave and Elbe .
19 Because a teacher is concerned with a whole person over a prolonged period of time … so he tends to become involved as a whole person .
20 A stability test involves the accumulation of a substantial amount of data over a prolonged period of time and may require the production of reports at several stages of the test .
21 Should you experience any of the symptoms over a prolonged period of time , it is always advisable to have a check-up to ensure that you do not have a condition which requires professional help .
22 ‘ The largest single category of problems mentioned , however , was depression and anxiety attributable to the stresses of caring over a prolonged period of time . ’
23 Declining per capita income over a prolonged period of time usually results in a change of government , sometimes after a revolution or a military coup .
24 This is thought to have resulted from a prolonged period of subaerial exposure in response to a drop in sea-level prior to the deposition of the Z3 Anhydrite .
25 Stress becomes harmful only when it exceeds our ability to cope with the situation , or when it continues unrelieved over a prolonged period .
26 A prolonged period of family life permits the growing offspring to add individual learning experiences to their inborn behaviour programming .
27 Corticosteroids , if used for a prolonged period , can cause a type of dependency .
28 After the traumas of war , revolution and civil war he thought that it was necessary to have a prolonged period of social and political peace which would provide the correct climate for the economic growth that all desired .
29 Spreading ridges can decrease the total volume of the world 's oceans , but a prolonged period of volcanism may also have increased the total volume of water .
30 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
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