Example sentences of "of [noun sg] all " in BNC.

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1 That £5 million will buy an awful lot of sightscreens , heavy rollers and bags of loam all designed to improve the country .
2 What a growing part of agriculture all over the world had in common was subjection to the industrial world economy .
3 And the worst thing you can do is to screw it all up by putting a lot of technique all over it ! '
4 The sounds of animated conversation and laughter , the pop of wine corks and the chink of cutlery all combined to lift her spirits .
5 You keep meeting the same people in a sector of industry all over the world . ’
6 The fact that everyone was waving tiny American flags made this spectacle of labour all the more bizarre .
7 After I had left her she had spilt her cup of tea all over the bedclothes , which had soon become not only wet but cold and wet .
8 He had found himself trapped in a room with doors made up of huge , sliding slabs of rock all round it .
9 Tufnell bowls , quickly , flatter , and that whistles through outside the off stump , ooh , groans and shouts of disappointment all around the wicket there , echoed by Victor Marks , yeah , yeah in the box .
10 It ploughed into the ground scattering debris and bits of aluminium all over the place .
11 the following morning I went out no numberplate and there were bits of car all over the street but
12 Together we watched the beautiful funeral procession of the Dead Christ on Good Friday , and its station in Kolonáki Square ; and on the following night we waited by the reservoir till midnight to watch Lycabettus coming out in pinpricks of light all over , as the Easter candles were lit .
13 A beautiful silver starfish , with points of light all over its body , sapphire and rose-pink and silver .
14 It 's some sort of fraud all right .
15 Instead of hunting all over the sky , the pilots concentrated on one scatter of targets and spiralled down through them , turning tightly in order to cut down the risk of collision .
16 Paul took this message about life and the mystery of humanity all over the Mediterranean world .
17 The flavouring vegetables are 2 each of large carrots , leeks , onions and tomatoes ; a bouquet of herbs consisting of parsley stalks , a piece of celery , a bay leaf and a crushed clove of garlic all tied together ; 1 tablespoon of salt .
18 They had to lie on their stretchers in the back of a lorry listening to the din of battle all around them .
19 A very inefficient bit of work all round . "
20 Suddenly , as we were about fifty yards from that lovely smell of coffee , there was an almighty roar as the barn blew up , scattering burning straw and all kinds of debris all over the farm area .
21 The worship of , or professed belief in , a god of some kind is to be found in varying degrees of sincerity all over the world .
22 But finally the itching was too much for him and we got up one morning to find plaster of Paris and remnants of bandage all over the carpet where he had irritably scissored it off at two in the morning .
23 The day had got off to a bad start as it was ( late for work , lost the shop key , spilt a load of fish-food all over the floor and then cracked my head on a shelf while clearing it up ) .
24 For minor members of foreign missions , of whom ambassadors ' secretaries were the most important , gold chains continued during much of the seventeenth century to be a very common form of gift all over Europe .
25 The combined effect of these concessions was virtually to remove from threat of rate-capping all but about 20 ( 4.4 per cent ) of the 456 principal local authorities then existing in England and Wales .
26 This was made explicit by Louis Agassiz , a Swiss who had in 1840 recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe and thus given us the idea of ice ages .
27 If Hollywood ever made a film of it ( Ha ! ) , it would doubtless finish with violins , smiles and tears of joy all round .
28 ‘ So many separate bits of evidence all pointing in the same direction .
29 Our task today is to increase the international pressure on behalf of the thousands of prisoners of conscience all over the world , to make tomorrow the day their freedom is restored .
30 The event was held in the school library and messages of hope were written to prisoners of conscience all over the world .
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